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Goblin Valley

The goblin Valley is a unique fungal-like entity in Utah, 12 km from the small village of Hanksville. These figures, under the name of the Hood, formed under the influence of erosion 170 million years ago and sometimes reach several tens of meters in height. This territory was discovered by Arthur ...

Osaka Castle

Osaka Castle is a landmark of Japan, the most influential castle in the history of this country. The castle has 5 floors, another 3 are underground, and the territory occupied by the castle is 1 km2. The castle in Osaka was built by the commander Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1585-1598, and the castle of A...


Spinalonga is a Greek island, not far from the island of Crete, which previously bore the Greek name Kalydon. There are several versions of the origin of the name of the island. According to one of them, the name is translated as “Long Thorn”, according to another, the distorted name “Stin Olunda”, ...

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower, which opened back in 1889, is the brightest attraction of Paris. It is known to the whole world as a symbol of the capital of France. His name is in honor of the inventor Gustav Eiffel, who called her just a 300 meter tower. In fact, opening it, he did not even suspect future fame....

Monasteries of Meteora

Meteora is a monastery complex of Greece, known for its unusual location in the Hasia Mountains near the city of Kalambaka. The Komplesk was formed in the 10th century and lasted to this day. In 1988, he was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List. The mountains here began to form 60 million years ...


Zakynthos is a national park in Greece, founded in 1999 on an area of 407 km2 on the Ionian island of Zakynthos. It is believed that the name of the island means “Levantine flower”; according to another version, the name comes from the name of the son of Dardanus, who in turn was the son of Zeus. Th...

Uludag National Park

Uludag is a Turkish national park formed back in 1961 in the midst of the mountain range, which was formerly called the Olympus Mission. According to legend, the gods of Olympus looked at the battle of Troy from this mountain. In the interval of early Christianity, hermits lived here - monks, with t...

Köprülü National Park

Köprülü is a Turkish national park 60 km from the city of Belek. It was founded in 1973 on an area of 5 km2. The basis of the park is the Köprül mountain river with the canyon of the same name. The bulk of the park’s land consists of impermeable cedar and pine forests. One of the main attractions o...

Ararat National Park

Ararat is the national park of Turkey, which is the largest volcanic massif in the Armenian Highlands. Aratat consists of 2 volcanoes - Greater Ararat ( 5165 m ) and Small Ararat ( 3127 m ). Above 4 km, eternal snow and about 30 glaciers are located, the largest of them is the glacier of St. Jacob w...

Olympos-Beydaglari National Park

Olympos-Beydaglari is a Turkish national park, founded in a picturesque location 45 km from Antalya. A significant part of the park lies in the mountain range. There are quite deep gorges, and in addition, forests in which you can find as many as 3 natural complexes. Coastal forests begin off the se...

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