Chandor Gardens

Chandor-Gardens are located in the United States, namely Texas, Weserford. This unusual beauty garden was created by one of the most famous portrait painters of its time, just over 70 years ago. The total area of the park is 16 hectares of land.

Chandor Gardens

Douglas Chandor created about 300 portraits, including Winston Churchill, US President Franklin Roosevelt, President Herbert Hoover, Sam Rayber, as well as a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II. Some of his creations were exhibited at the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery. Douglas Chandor arrived in this country in 1926 and met his love, Inna Kuteman, whom he married in 1934. This woman became the artist’s inspiration for creating such unusual beauty simply from scratch.

Douglas Chandor began to build a house first, as most of the newlyweds do, and began to develop and implement a beautiful park where he and his wife realized all their dreams. And only then, a mansion was built, which is also very impressive.

Chandor Gardens

Chandora Gardens are eight garden rooms that bind laid gyrus alleys. Each of them has its own character, an individual approach is felt. The whole garden is saturated with an atmosphere of Sino-English style. Passing through the white decorative gates, all the charms of the miraculous gardens open before you. These are charming plants that are selected in style, lovely fountains, grottoes, there is even a mountain waterfall. Numerical benches, arbors allow guests to retire in such a romantic place.

The married couple, tirelessly, worked to create this beauty until 1953, in which Chandor died. After the death of her husband, the spouse renames these gardens in his honor - the gardens of Chandor. Until the death of Inna Kuteman ( 1970 ) this park was opened for visiting. It is a pity that the family did not have direct heirs and the Chandor Gardens remain 20 years without care.

In 1994, the local natives Charles and Melody Bradford bought this garden, who took up the restoration of beauty. A little later, the gardens of Chandor were bought out by the local authorities of Weserford. Having invested some capital, visitors can again admire the gardens since 2002.

Now the gardens of Chandor – is a famous place in the city where the atmosphere of love reigns, wedding ceremonies are actively held here, photographers work, various meetings and events are held.

Chandor Gardens Chandor Gardens Chandor Gardens Chandor Gardens Chandor Gardens Chandor Gardens
Chandor Gardens - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 32.753571
Longitude: -97.80849


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