Pyramids Giza

Giza's pyramids are the hallmark of Egypt. This unusual attraction rightfully belongs to the « seven wonders of the world ». The huge creations of time immemorial are on the western side of the Nile River. Here there are about a hundred of them and each of them is different in some way. Small, large, with flat walls and stepwise, those that have survived to our time almost unchanged, as well as those that resemble just a pile of stones. The most famous is the ensemble of the huge pyramids of Giza, which is located in the suburbs of Cairo.

Pyramids Giza

These structures were built back in the Ancient Kingdom, XXVI-XXIII centuries BC. e. under the rule of IV-VI dynasties. There is a legend behind which these creations were built by unearthly forces, since the lack of technology at that time did not allow this miracle to be created. Giza Pyramids – is the ensemble of the 3 highest pyramids in Egypt. From this top three, the most famous is the Cheops pyramid ( Hufu ), which is considered the only surviving construction of the famous « sevens », from all that came to us from ancient centuries.

The side of the Heops structure is 227.5 m long, the height during its construction reached 146.6 m, although during the tremors the upper stones of the pyramid collapsed and now it is 9 m lower than the original species. To build this attraction that impresses us today, ancient people have spent more than 2 million stone blocks that weigh about 2.5 tons each. The volume of this creation is 2.34 million cubic meters. Its edges are directed to the sides of the world, and the entrance is located on the north side. Accurate calculations, and blocks of structures are adjusted to millimeters, today's scientists are simply misled. Inside the pyramid has flat walls without drawings and paintings. Three spacious cameras were made there, where Pharaoh is buried. But there is no mummy in the sarcophagus, it is assumed that he was robbed. One of the walls of the pyramid depicts a figure that has a resemblance to a large ship. This is one of five rooks that was made without a single nail, on it Cheops went down the Nile to another world.

Pyramids Giza

Another slightly smaller pyramid is associated with the Hefren pharaoh. She is 40 years younger than the previous one. The side of the pyramid is 215 m, the height is 136 m, although at the structure it was like the previous one above. The entire structure of the temples, which are located in the valley, is better viewed from here. The most famous temple, the location of which is at the bottom of the valley, is famous for once embalming Hefren here. This pyramid stands out among others also thanks to white outer cover.

The third pyramid, which is included in the ensemble of Giza, is called Mikerina. She is the smallest compared to her sisters. The side of its foundation is 108 meters, and the height of the structure itself, which is presented to us today – 62.5m.

Near the three noble pyramids are small, where wives, officials, priests are buried. Here is also the famous Big Sphinx. This is the biggest sculpture, which is a lion with the head of a person, which is supposed to belong to Hefren.

This main attraction of Egypt is visited by millions of tourists every year. In every hotel in the city of Giza you can offer an excursion to the mysterious pyramids.

Pyramids Giza Pyramids Giza Pyramids Giza Pyramids Giza Pyramids Giza Pyramids Giza
Pyramids Giza - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 29.975756
Longitude: 31.130425


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