Landmarks of the world

Padjelanta National Park

Padjelanta - Sweden National Park, founded in 1962 and 1984 km in its territory2 is one of the largest parks in the country. Together with the national parks of Sarek and Abisku, Padhelanta forms the Lapland natural zone of Laponia, which was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Pagelanta Na...

Auyuittuq National Park

Auyuittuq is Canada's National Park, founded in 2001 on Baffin Island Earth. From the Inuit language, Auyittuk translates as "never land". The territory of the park is covered with snow for almost the whole year, the main attraction of the park is Cape Penny Ice, covered in an area of 6000 km2 snow ...

Mingan Archipelago National Park

The Mingan Archipelago is Canada's National Park, located in the north of St. Lawrence Bay. For a long time this virgin region was not familiar to tourists, but in our time, popularity is increasing every year thanks to its rich flora and fauna, unusual lanschafts. The Mingan archipelago includes 4...

Abisko National Park

Abisko is a Swedish national park near the Norwegian border. It was founded in 1909 almost immediately after the adoption of the law on the protection of nature. The park is surrounded on the south and west sides by mountains, along which a picturesque river flows, as well as part of the shore of La...

Irazú Volcano National Park

Irazú Volcano is a Costa Rica national park based on the eponymous active volcano, whose height is 3432 meters. The name of the park comes from 2 Indian words - su ( thunder ) and ara ( point ). The volcano is quite active and erupted every 50 years. For one period, the volcano did not erupt to Ira...

Guanacaste National Park

Guanacaste - Costa Rica National Park, based on an area of 320 km2 in 1991. The initiative to create the park came from the biologist Daniel Janzen, since the most important seasonal ways of animal migration pass here. The area has large altitude drops from 200 to 1659 meters above sea level. Littl...

Volcano Poas National Park

Vulcan Poas is a Costa Rica national park, founded in 1971 at the country's most active volcano on an area of 65 km2. The height of the volcano itself is 2708 meters. He strikes with his entertainment. The volcano has a huge crater with a diameter of 2 km, and the depth is almost three hundred plac...

Ein Gedi National Park

Ein Gedi is Israel National Park. Located in the Judean desert, on Tel Goren Hill, next to the Nahal-David Gorge. The name of the park in translation means "the source of the kid". In 1953, a kibbutz with the same name was built here. Archaeological work is still being carried out in this area. The...

Jiuzhaigou National Park

Jiuzhaigou is a national park in the northern part of Sichuan province. It is famous for its multi-tiered waterfalls and multi-colored lakes. The territory was listed as the world heritage of UNESCO in 1992. Total area occupied by 1320 km park2, 600 of which falls on the buffer zone. This remote ar...

Gan HaShlosha National Park

Gan HaShlosha - National Park of Israel. Its name translates as "Garden of Three", named after three mine-blasted in 1938, when they were looking for a good place for the kibbutz Nir David. For Arabs, the park is known under the other name Sahne, translated as "Hot Pool". And the name is not acciden...

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