Ein Gedi National Park

Ein Gedi is Israel National Park. Located in the Judean desert, on Tel Goren Hill, next to the Nahal-David Gorge. The name of the park in translation means "the source of the kid". In 1953, a kibbutz with the same name was built here. Archaeological work is still being carried out in this area.

Ein Gedi National Park

The ancient city of Ein Gedi was built around the 7th century BC. Then the city was famous for its grapes, wine, dates, figs, but the main earnings were still brought by fragrance from a balm tree. Only the locals had a secret of these incense and did not tell anyone the recipe for cooking. For centuries, the city was destroyed and rebuilt again. Unable to withstand such troubles - Ein Gedi fell into decay. During Muslim rule, Bedouins arrived in the area who robbed everyone in the area.

In 1948, the area of Ein Gedi became part of Israeli territory. In 1953, the first modern settlers arrived here and founded the kibbutz Ein Gedi. They raised melons, watermelons, cucumbers, eggplant, mangoes, dates. Soon, a sanatorium with hydrogen sulfide baths was built in the kibbutz, which became a resort in the Dead Sea, famous throughout the world.

Ein Gedi National Park

Tel Goren Hill, on which Ein Gedi stands, is an important place for archeology. Here you can find the ruins of the original water supply system of the oldest city and fragments of the synagogue, built back in the Roman Byzantine period, in it the remains of the mosaic were discovered, among which were even an image of a swastika drawn even before our era. On a well-preserved floor, synagogues found text in Aramaic. Which spoke of the punishment of the Most High, waiting for the one who tells the "secrets of the city". Scientists think that "secrets" meant the recipe for balm.

There are many animals in the Ein Gedi National Park. The animals here are accustomed to the friendly attitude of visitors, and do not run away at the sight of strangers. Of the animals, it is worth noting the ladies - animals who have some suction cups on their paws, allowing them to walk in steep mountains. Often a gazelle hits the eyes, which is considered a symbol of beauty and dexterity. In ancient times, Israel was even called the "Eretz ha-qvi", which means the country of gazelles. Mountain goats amaze visitors with their fearlessness. Of the predators, leopards are present, hunting mainly wild boars, as well as pets in the kibbutz. The wild Libyan cat, fox, hyena will not refuse easy prey in the kibbutz.

No less rich and the vegetation of Ein Gedi. Near the rivers grow: tamarisks, oleanders, a diverse cable, as well as a papyrus that was destroyed in Egypt. Since the terrain here is deserted, the savannah predominates. Unabi tree is growing in the area, shrouded in spikes. The thorns of this tree are called the needles of Christ, because it was from the tree that the crown of thorns of Christ was weaved. Acacia is also common here, which has grown its branches, protecting its roots from drying out and collecting night dew. Acadia is strong enough and according to the Testament, the ark was made from it, in which the Tablets with 10 Commandments were held.

Ein Gedi National Park Ein Gedi National Park Ein Gedi National Park Ein Gedi National Park Ein Gedi National Park Ein Gedi National Park
Ein Gedi National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 31.45
Longitude: 35.383333


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