Landmarks of the world

Arches National Park

Arches - US National Park, located in Utah near Moab, 309 km away2. The park is known for its geological formations that amaze with its deep canyons, deserts, impenetrable forests, and the main educational bizarre monuments formed under the influence of erosion. In total, the park has approximately ...

Acadia National Park

Acadia is a US national park in Maine, located on Mount Desert Island, as well as nearby islands. The total park occupies 192 km2 territories, the main part of which on Mount Desert Island - 123 km2. Judging by archaeological finds, people first appeared here 6,000 years ago. From ancient times, th...

National Park Lake Nakuru

Nakuru Lake is a national park in Central Kenya, about 140 kilometers southwest of Nairobi, near the city of Nakuru. The territory of the park is 188 km2. Initially, the birds reserve was organized on Lake Nakuru, which in 1968 became a national park. Lake Nakuru became a refuge for 13 species of b...

Nairobi National Park

Nairobi is one of Kenya's first national parks, founded back in 1946 on an area of 117 km2. The park is located right on the outskirts of the capital of Kenya - this is the main feature of the park. The city is perfectly visible from the park, but such proximity does not harm the plant and animal wo...

East Tsavo National Park

East Tsavo is one of Kenya's largest and oldest national parks. The Tsavo River flows through the park, hence the name of the park. Together with West Tsavo Park, this huge reserve spread over an area of 11,747 km2, which is 4% of the country's territory. East Tsavo was founded in 1948 between the c...

National Park Gates of Hell

Gates of Hell - Kenya National Park, founded in 1984 and covering an area of 68 km2, being almost the smallest national park in Africa. The main landscapes of the park are the columns "Tower of Fisher" and "Central Tower", as well as the gorge "Gates of Hell". Also, 3 campsites, the Masai Cultural C...

Amboseli National Park

Ambosely is Kenya's National Park in Rift Valley. Park occupies 392 km2 and also located in the middle of a huge ecosystem with an area of 3000 km2, located in 2 countries - Kenya and Tanzania. The National Park lies 240 km from the capital of Nairobi and is one of the three most visited places in t...

Aberdare National Park

Aberdare is Kenya's national park, located near the Aberder ridge in the central part of the country. It was founded in 1950 on a territory of 766 km2 160 km from Nairobi. Aberder has many different landscapes, as there are large elevation drops from 2100 meters to 4300. Mount Kenya is visible from...

Folgefonna National Park

Folgefonna is the national park of Norway in its southern part. It was opened by Queen Sonya herself in 2005 in order to preserve the Folgefonn Glacier, which is one of the three largest glaciers in Norway. In the Hardanger region, 3 glaciers are located on one coat: Southern Glacier with an area of...

Sarek National Park

Sarek - Sweden National Park in Lappland Province, covering an area of 1970 km2. Its neighbors are the national parks of Stura-Schöffalletta and Padhelanta. Sarek is considered the most popular park in the country among travelers and climbers. Camping in the park can very well spoil the weather, sin...

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