Landmarks of the world

National Park Lake Manyara

Manyara Lake is a Tanzania National Park, located from the Arusha region to the crater national park and Serengeti National Park. Ernest Hemingway, visiting Lake Manyara, called it "Africa's most beautiful place". At the lake, a large amount of milk is found in Tyrukalle, it is often used as a hedge...

Kilimanjaro National Park

Kilimanjaro is Tanzania's national park with Africa's highest point - Mount Kilimanjaro. From the Swahili language, the name of the mountain translates as "firing mountain". A snow hat on top in clear weather can be seen even from large distances. Kilimanjaro National Park lies in the region of the...

Katavi National Park

Katavi is Tanzania's national park in the Rukva region, founded in 1974. Almost the entire land of the park is located in the Rufta Plain of Rukva, which is part of the East African Rift System. Lake Rukva in the southeastern part is considered the lowest point of the plain. The main reliefs of the ...

Arusha National Park

Arusha is a national park of Tanzania, organized in 1960 and then occupying the land of the Ngurdoto crater and the Mommella lake and was then called Ngurdoto-Creiter. Later, Meru volcano joined the park, then the park got its current name, and the territory increased to 137 km2. Arusha National Pa...

Rondane National Park

Rondane - Norwegian National Park, organized in 1982 in the Rondan Mountains on an area of 963 km2. On the lands of the park there are 10 mountains with a height of more than 2 km, the highest of them is Rondeslotte ( 2178 meters ). The park will house the range of the largest herd of reindeers in N...

Tiveden National Park

Tiveden is Sweden National Park. On the territory of the park are the most ancient, pristine-prone areas of the Tiberian Forest. This area is located between 2 lakes: Venern and Wettern. In addition to impenetrable forests in the park, you can find rocky territory that has grown in places with fores...

Kejimkujik National Park

Kejimkujik is Canada National Park, founded in 1968 on an area of 404 km2. The park has access to the Atlantic Ocean, in addition to this, there are many rivers and lakes. Compared to other world natural parks, there is a diverse fauna. Due to quartzites, the local soil is prolific. Near Lake Kejim...

Yoho National Park

Yoho - Canada National Park, organized back in 1886 in the Rocky Mountains on an area of 1313 km2. From the east, the park is adjacent to Banff National Park, on the south side with Kutenei. With these parks, as well as the Jasper National Park and another 3 regional parks, it forms a World Heritage...

Jostedalsbreen National Park

Jostedalsbreen - Norwegian National Park, located on an area of 1310 km2. The largest continental European glacier, covering an area of 487 km, can be found in the park.2. In recent years, the glacier melts and farms opened in the eye, ironed glaciers in 1750. The highest point of Yostedalsbreen Pa...

Vanoise National Park

Vanoise is a French national park created by one of the first in the country. The main reason for creating the park is the possible destruction of mountain goats in the area. The park is divided into 2 zones: the central area of 528 km2 and periphery - 1450 km2. There are many amazing mountains in ...

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