Hot Water beach

In New Zealand, on the territory of the Koromandel Peninsula, there is a natural attraction that beach lovers are in a hurry to visit. The uniqueness of the Beach of Hot Water lies in the fact that it is an unusual sea resort that has gained its popularity due to the warm springs located in the underground part of the peninsula, which have the property of protruding on a sandy surface at times of low tide.

Hot Water beach

Everyone who comes to this area to relax will certainly use these amazing spa treatments. The Vacationers who came to this beach dig a small recess for themselves in the sand, which is immediately filled with hot water. It’s nice to go to bed in such puddles, because it is warm and comfortable there. In this natural bath with hot water, you can spend more than one hour in a row, while the water does not cool. During the season, you can often meet people on the beach with shovels who take them in order to equip a deep pool in the sand. And all lies in the fact that the more you dig deep, the warmer the water in it will be, which can reach the mark of 64 degrees Celsius. If the water turns out to be hot in an outburst pool, then it can always be diluted with cool sea water. But there is an opportunity to enjoy the natural jacuzzi for several hours, because they are washed off after some time, replaced by the current at sea.

But everything repeats with the advent of the next ebb, which tourists are looking forward to, that they arrived precisely behind these impressions.

Hot Water beach

Own safety is also very important here, as the onset of the tide usually occurs very quickly, accompanied by large waves.

Hot Water beach Hot Water beach Hot Water beach Hot Water beach Hot Water beach Hot Water beach
Hot Water beach - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -36.881667
Longitude: 175.82


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