Interactive aquarium in Cancun
The interactive aquarium in Cancun is famous for its abundance of exhibits; hundreds of thousands of tourists visit it every year. It is located in the building of the popular shopping center "La Isla". Here you can feed dolphins, swim with sharks and take photos with sea lions. There is a show every day, and after visiting this place you will have many vivid impressions of your trip to Mexico.

Description of the Interactive Aquarium in Cancun
In 2000, a significant event took place for all of Mexico; for the first time, a large water and entertainment facility was opened, the area of which was an entire hectare of land. A beautiful building was built on this square, inside which there is a fish museum, as well as an entire shopping center, but the most popular place in this complex is a huge shark pool, where about five species of sharks live.
Everyone can find something interesting for themselves at the Interactive Aquarium in Cancun. The visit begins with an inspection of huge tanks - aquariums, where various types of fish live - stingrays, clown fish, eels, jellyfish, and here you can also take a closer look at important components of the ocean - corals and algae.

Features of the Interactive Aquarium in Cancun
For lovers of extreme entertainment, there is one exclusive service - jumping into a pool with sharks. At first glance, this may sound very scary, but, as local instructors assure, in fact there is no danger: sharks are tamed and always well-fed. The Interactive Aquarium in Cancun is home to tiger and tiptoe sharks, which are considered the friendliest shark species. Before jumping into the pool, the instructor gives the necessary instructions, he accompanies the person, guaranteeing safety. In addition to these hobbies, you can feed the fish, and also become a spectator of colorful performances in the water, which are often performed here by local skilled actors.
The Interactive Aquarium in Cancun is a great place to spend time with or without your family. Here you can enjoy the splendor of the abundance of fish, swim with sharks, and have a photo shoot. In addition, the complex provides a number of other interesting entertainments.