
Snowdonia – is a wonderful national park that was organized in northern Wales in 1951. The territory of the park covers an area of 2170 km2 and is the third largest and most significant park in all of England and Wales. This protected area is represented as a mountainous area, moorlands and clean lakes.


The reserve got its name in honor of its largest mountain peak Snowdon, which reaches a mark of more than 1000 meters. The park holds wonderful landscapes, which are filled with valleys, coniferous and deciduous forests. The beauty of this area is also a magnificent sea line, which stretches for 60 km.

Unlike other protected areas in Snowdonia, there is a residential area. About 25,000 people live here. The main occupation of the local population is agricultural work, as well as tourism. It is thanks to this that tourists of the Snojodonia National Park have the opportunity to choose a hotel for every taste for a while. Here you can stay both in a huge medieval complex and in a very small cozy village.


For tourists of this area, a large number of hiking trails have been developed, with a total length of more than 2000 km. In Snowdonia, there are hiking trails, as well as special paths for cycling and horses. Some places in the park area require special permission, but most are available to any traveler.

Climbing to the very top of Snowdon Mountain is in great demand among tourists, since for this you do not need to have any climbing skills.

The vast territory of the Snowdonia Park is covered by chic forests, where hardwood representatives predominate. Endemic plant species grow in the reserve, which are not found anywhere except the park and are strictly protected and controlled by special bodies. In addition to rare plants, very rare animals, as well as feathered ones, are found in this area.

The Snowdonia Nature Reserve will appeal to lovers of outdoor activities, as well as to true connoisseurs of natural resources.

Snowdonia National Park Snowdonia National Park Snowdonia National Park Snowdonia National Park Snowdonia National Park Snowdonia National Park
Snowdonia - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 52.9
Longitude: -3.85


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