Kangaroo Island

Southern unknown land - so in ancient times called Australia. Kangaroo, koals and volbots – strange in appearance, but the most recognizable citizens of the fifth continent. No wonder even the islands bear their names. In general, here – wherever you look – everywhere on pastures walk in a few compact flocks of kangaroos with kangargur.

Kangaroo Island

A special, almost reverent attitude towards authentic inhabitants is observed, in particular, in kangaroo steaks, in which, when cooked, do not doubt, a piece of love and care is invested. The island of Kangaroo acquired its name in 1802. Along and across the island is filled with protected areas, parks and nurseries. One of the attractions of – is a lighthouse that still helps ships pave the ocean path.

On a note

In case the traveler gets to Kangaroo Island by ferry, you must remember that there are delays due to bad weather, and, for example, Cape Jervis station can easily refuse to accept a ship with passengers. So you need to be morally prepared for the costs of – to rebuild the entire route: book, reschedule meetings, take tickets and other other troublesome events, which, however, are a well-expected part of the trip. On the ferry – pitching. A sensitive tourist needs to prepare for the exotic – seasickness. The island – 4.5 thousand square meters. You can’t do without a – car: attractions at a distance from each other are scattered throughout the island. Car rental - Australian 98 dollars, in two days – will cost noticeably cheaper. June-August – promotional discounts up to 40%.

Kangaroo Island

An abundance of sensations

What gives the island a truly magnetic appeal? We will present a representative list to the tourist court: Remarkeibl Rox – blocks of indefinite form; Admirals Ark - stone bridge; Raptor Domein – an institution where hearing caresses the infectious laughter of the cucabarra; in the wild park on Kangaroo Island – phlegmatic koals and funny penguins await; Kelly Hill Caves – caves overgrown with stalagmites and stalactites; Hanson Bay Wildlife Refuge – virgin innocent beaches with thickets of shrubs and trees; in the reserve of seals – sea lions; Small Sahara State Park – reduced Sahara; A tour of Clifford's honey farm – a friendly community of buzzing bees; Lighthouse on Cape Willoughby; eucalyptus oil factory. In general, there is something to see on the island.

If the impressive list still made the sophisticated heart of the tourist tremble, then we ask for mercy for a night. Hotels – are friendly and crowded. It is good to hide in them from the noise of a big city. True, there is another rare, almost disappeared attraction on the island – wi-fi. They say he is somewhere. However, on the island wi-fi – elusive! A tourist will literally have to open a hunting season for him. Neither cafes, nor hotels, nor shops give out wi-fi. In addition, there are few establishments where you can eat or buy –. Be prepared also for the fact that in hotels – power outages: they can’t stand the heavy load. Some remoteness and lack of developed infrastructure seem to specifically tune the tourist in a philosophical way.

How to get to Kangaroo Island

The simplest and most intuitive way – Adelaide ( South Australia's administrative center ), then – two options: the first – plane, the second – ferry. Aircraft – private: prices – different, on the way – 35-40 minutes. Ferry - monopolized by Kangaroo Island SeaLink: water crossing directly depends on the vagaries of the weather. For a ferry ride, you have to fork out: an adult – 49 local dollars, a child – 15.

Kangaroo Island Kangaroo Island Kangaroo Island Kangaroo Island Kangaroo Island Kangaroo Island

Nearby attractions

Kangaroo Island - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -35.833333
Longitude: 137.333333


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