Travel blog

Tokyo Skytree

The largest TV tower in the world is the Tokyo Skytree tower. This is the second of the highest structures on the entire planet - a height of 634 meters. Her creation was thought out to the smallest detail. In Japanese, these figures exactly correspond to the sound of the area where Tokyo is now loc...

Favelas Rio de Janeiro

Favela — is the common name for slums in Brazil that arose in major cities here at the end of the 19th century as a result of the decision of the authorities to demolish dwellings belonging to the poor. Then the once empty territories of the hills and outskirts of the cities gradually began to turn ...

Cathedral of St. Sebastian

Located in Brazil, St. Sebastian's Cathedral is like anything, but not the cathedral and thanks to this feature, it has become the most interesting building throughout South America. It is noteworthy that this construction alone could replace all the churches that happened in 1979, when the 15-year ...

Catimbau National Park

In Brazil, you can plunge headlong into the real jungle and admire the waterfalls, go down in a flimsy boat from the mountains or enjoy the enchanting beauty of lakes hidden from prying eyes. And you can visit the amazing Katimbau National Park. It is considered the second most important environment...

Serra da Capivara National Park

Brazil – a country of amazing natural attractions. But even in this unique state you can find absolutely amazing places, for example, the Serra da Capivara Nature Park. He will be famous for the picturesque canyons, from the beauty of which he breathes breathtaking even among sophisticated travelers...

Santa Catarina Island

The island of Santa Katarina is considered the pearl of Brazil, located off the southeast coast. Due to the large number of beaches and picturesque nature, there are always a lot of tourists. Initially, its population consisted exclusively of fishermen. The first fortress in history on the island w...

São Miguel das Missões

São Miguel das Missões – the ancient ruins located in Brazil in the provincial town of Rio Grande do Sul. Back in the 17th century, the Jesuits created a truly unique mission, founded with the aim of converting local Indians to the Christian faith. It was created near the small town of Itayaseko Ind...

Amazon River

The largest river – Amazon flows in South America. Its length is 7100 km and is comparable only to the Nile ( 6650 km ). The Amazon is formed by a combination of the Maranion and Ukayali rivers. The river flow fills many large and small tributaries. Leaking near the equator, the river flows into the...

Ipanema Beach

On the outskirts of one of the prestigious areas of Rio de Janeiro – Ipanema – a sea beach with the same name spread. Its length is 3 km. The beach is considered one of the best in Rio. The sea water of the Atlantic Ocean to the coast of the beach flows through the lagoon, passing through the Zhardi...

Pedra Pintada

Pedra Pintada is a rock located in Brazil on the territory of San Markush ( Indian reservation ) in the state of Roraima, while this place is one of the important archaeological sites in northern Brazil. The rock is famous for the cave paintings that the Paleo-Indians left more than 11 thousand year...

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