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Volcano Bromo

Volcano Bromo is one of the brightest attractions of East Java, many people climb 2329 meters annually to enjoy sunrise. Bromo — a real active volcano, scientists constantly monitor its activity. National Park The Bromo volcano is part of Indonesia's national park, the park includes three volcanoe...

Bukit Lawang

Bukit Lawang settlement in the north of Sumatra, all conditions are created for tourists here: numerous hotels and gesthouseys, cafes and restaurants, as attractions here is the well-known center for the rehabilitation of orangutans, a cave with bats, a raging river Bohorok and a thicket of the jung...

St. Mark's Cemetery

St. Mark's Cemetery is one of the oldest Viennese cemeteries. In total, there are about 50 in the city. Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Joseph II imposed a ban on the burial of poor citizens inside a city surrounded by walls. It was possible to bury only in common graves, where 5 departed were laid...

Hofburg Palace

The real pearl of Austria is the architectural palace complex of Hofburg. This is one of the largest palaces in the world. In the form that visitors can see it now, it was not created immediately, but was built over several centuries. The main palace of the Austrian Empire, although associated with ...

Spanish Riding School

Spanish Riding School – one of Vienna's attractions. The oldest school was created in the middle of the 16th century, it is located in the palace ensemble of the winter royal residence of Hofburg. This is the only educational institution where for 450 years the true ancient traditions of the classi...

Imperial crypt

In the basements under the small and modest-looking Kaputzin Church in Vienna, there is a family crypt of one of the most powerful European monastic dynasties – of the Habsburg dynasty. Habsburgs ruled on the Austrian throne since 1282. Representatives of the dynasty led the Roman Empire, the Austro...

Eggenberg Castle

3 km from the city of Graz is the magnificent Eggenberg Palace and Park Ensemble. Through the park, which is called the Planet Garden, a wide road leads to the castle, surrounded by majestic Catalps and tulip trees. Peacock is walking near the walls of the castle, now and then spreading their colorf...

Shlosberg Castle

The fortress castle is located on a hill 473 meters high. Schlosberg translates as « castle hill ». The castle can be reached on foot, climbed a funicular or elevator. In addition to tourists, locals love to spend time here. An excellent park spread out near the castle. The space of the park is cros...

Hohensalzburg Fortress

On the top of Mount Festung stands the fortress of Hoenzalzburg. From here, from a bird's eye view, you can see not only the city, but also its surroundings. This place offers magnificent views of the Alpine Mountains. This is the most powerful fortress in Central Europe, preserved for more than 9 c...

Rosenburg Castle

The medieval castle of Rosenburg rises on the rocky bank of the Camp River among the hills overgrown with forest in Lower Austria. Around the castle is the Kampala National Park. The magnificent structure is surrounded by amazing fountains, fragrant gardens of roses and a whole wall of them 100 m lo...

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