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Bozhentsite or Bozhentsi - a village for 100 houses, in which 40 people live, because it is not just a village, it is an architectural and ethnographic museum in the open air. History The history of the origin and names of the village of Bozhentsite is associated with the battle of Bozhana, who mo...

Bachkovo Monastery

One of the most popular and often visited monasteries in Bulgaria is considered to be Bachkovo Monastery, only the Rielsky Holy Monastery can compete with it. Good location and good transport accessibility is a clear advantage that attracts tourists and pilgrims. History Bachkovo Monastery was cal...


Arbanasi is a small village, it is located in the Velikotyrnovsk region of Bulgaria. A small village, with a population of about 350 people, is sometimes called a city in respect of its history. The inhabitants of the country and tourists are very interested in ancient buildings that have settled he...

Neapol Archaeological Museum

The Naples Archaeological Museum has one of the most extensive collections dedicated to the history of the Roman Empire. Here you can see the unique exhibits that were found during the excavations of the cities of Pompeii, Herculanum, Stabi. Museum History The building of the Archaeological Museum...

Verona Arena

The city of Verona is famous for its cultural monuments, among which, of course, one of the central places is occupied by the famous Verona Arena. This is the largest open theater, which was built in the 30th year of our era. This place is almost the most popular tourist destination in all of Italy....

Appian Way

Via Appia – Latin name Appian Way, which is considered the founder of all Roman roads. It is named after Appia Claudius Tsek. As a Caesar, consul and military leader, he began construction back in 312 BC. and lasted work in stages, about two centuries. The aim of the project was to connect Rome with...

Gili Islands

The three small islands of Gili are considered a real Garden of Eden, located in the very center of a larger paradise called Indonesia. It seems that time is slowing down here, reality is relegated to the background, and worries stop worrying. History of the Gili Islands During World War II, the J...

Temple of Tirta Empul

The unique water temple of Tirta Empul, a place that is sacredly revered among the population and enjoys great interest among tourists. The very name of the temple is translated as "Holy Source", because it is water from an underground source that is the basis of the temple complex. Water Temple Le...

Toba Lake

In the north of Sumatra Island is Lake Toba, the largest volcanic lake in the world. It is located inside the caldera formed as a result of the eruption of the volcano of the same name 74 thousand years ago. With a length of 87 kilometers, its width reaches 27 kilometers, and the maximum depth is 50...

Nusa Penida

The charm of Indonesia is manifested not only in lovely yarn and expensive resorts, but also in small islets, not very visited by tourists. Among these practically reserved places is the small island of Nusa Penida. Island history The island of Nusa Penida has long been considered a sacred place a...

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