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Nusa Dua

Bali is already characterized by luxurious and resort conditions, but even among local beaches, the lovely place of Nusa Dua stands out. This resort area is located in the eastern part of the Bukit Peninsula, which is located in southern Bali, and is the owner of a completely closed territory for fo...

Halmahera Sea

The Halmaher Sea is an inter-island sea named after one of its limiting islands. It belongs to the Pacific basin and belongs to Indonesia. Halmahera Sea has an area of 75,000 km2, and on all sides it borders on land. Halmacher Island limits the sea from the west. Halmahera The name of the island, ...

Sea Sulawesi

The Sulawesi Sea is named after the island of the same name, on which the local population extracts minerals, including iron. Sulawesi - "iron island" or "iron island". General information Sulawesi - the inter-island sea, is part of the waters of the Pacific Ocean, belongs to Indonesia and the Phi...

Maluku Islands

The Maluku Islands - formerly known as spice islands fully justify their name. Here, whole plantations grow cloves and plants that supply cinnamon and nutmeg, coconut and sag palm trees, peppers of any kind and species. All this grass abundance gave such a tasty name to the islands. True, on the map...

Kelimutu National Park

Kelimutu – National Park in Indonesia, better known for its magical multi-colored lakes, which are considered the national treasure and even depicted on Indonesia's bills. Park covers an area of 50 km2. Color Lakes Kelimutu The color of water bodies in the Kelimutu National Park can be turquoise, ...


Beach lovers very often choose the Jimbaran resort. A sandy shore made of light sand, gentle sea entrance, gentle waters, hot sunlight make it a dream come true for millions of tourists who prefer to spend holidays in a pleasant quiet vacation. Description of Jimbaran The resort of Jimbaran is loc...

Volcano Rinjani

Rinjani is a volcano, also considered one of the highest points in Indonesia, located on the island of Lombok. Despite the fact that this is a valid volcano, ascents are regularly organized to its top. The last activity of the volcano was observed in 2015, it was accompanied by the release of the as...

Goa Lawah

The Goa Lawah Temple, located in the Klunkung district, Bali province, the temple is considered one of the main « shrines of the world » or holy places of worship of Bali. The temple is built around a large cave in which bats or bats live, in honor of them it is named « bats cave ». Temple history ...

Goa Gajah

Goa Gajah or the elephant cave is a temple complex on the island of Bali. The complex includes several more caves, ancient statues, images of spirits carved on the rocks and a bathhouse. The opening of this place for the general public took place in 1954 and since then it has been very popular with ...

Volcano Krakatoa

Krakatoa – is a functioning volcano located on the island of the same name, located in the Gulf of Zonda not very far from the island of Java. By the way, it is believed that the strait was formed precisely because of the actions of the volcano. Most of all, Krakatoa is famous for its unpredictable ...

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