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Evia Island

The island of Evia, located in Greece, is considered the largest of the islands of the Aegean Sea. It is located 160 km along the coast of Attica, has a width of 40 km and an area of 3684 km2. Its entire territory of the island of Evia is divided into 8 municipalities, and the population exceeds 20...

Samos Island

Samos, one of the ancient islands in Greece. Ancient attractions and breathtaking nature that attract travelers from all over the world. Independent Samos, saw destruction and prosperity, but this did not touch his historical heritage. Beautiful places, measured life on the island, attracted at one ...

Lesbos Island

Lesbos Island is also known as the Mitilini – Greek island in the northeastern Aegean Sea. He gained fame thanks to the ancient Greek poetess Sappho, who was born here and sang a love for both sexes. Attractions But not only Sappho attracts numerous tourists to these places. With the scarcity of r...

Icaria Island

The warm sea, ideal wild beaches, well-developed infrastructure, small cozy towns and cute villages, caves full of mysteries and myths, historical monuments from the time of the Ancient World, and much more - all this about the Greek island of Ikaria. It has relatively recently become very popular w...


Olympia is one of the most beautiful places in Greece. Even in 776 BC, the Olympic Games began to be held here. Having visited modern Olympia, you can completely immerse yourself in ancient Greece, see Roman ruins with preserved elements of the mosaic and many other historical sights. The workshop ...

Mount Athos

A unique place of nature — Mount Athos. Being actually on the territory of Greece, it became home to Orthodox monks of various nationalities. The mountain is located on the peninsula 12 km wide and 80 in length, the official name of the lands is the Autonomous Monastic State. History of St. Afon T...

Asuka Village

Until 694, the settlement of Asuka was the imperial capital. Located in Nara Prefecture near Osaka on Honshu Island. Now in the village, covering an area of 24 square meters. km, only 5.5 thousand people live. All village buildings, in accordance with the 1980 law, are recognized as a historical her...


On the artificially created island of Odaybo there is an amusement park with an amazingly large-scale attraction. Until 2000, the Daikanransch Ferris Wheel remained the highest in the world and was listed in the Guines Book of Records. Now it remains the largest in all of Asia. Its height is 115 met...

Kegon Waterfall

On the Daya River near the Japanese city of Nikko is one of the best natural attractions – Cagon Waterfall. The river paved its way from the high mountain lake Tüdzenji. Once upon a time, volcanic lava blocked the channel, and a waterfall formed. Water flow with a width of about 7 m collapses from ...

Kyoto Tower

The highest construction in Kyoto ‒ tower with a observation deck located at an altitude of 100 meters. Together with the spire, it rises 131 meters in height. Weight is 800 tons. It was installed on the roof of a 9-story three-star hotel. The complex has shops for retail. Construction history The...

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