Travel blog

Brandenburg Gate

Brandenburg Gate - a triumphal structure located in the center of Berlin. These are the only city gates that have been preserved since the 18th century. Over the years, they have been considered one of the key attractions of the German capital. It is safe to say that this is a national symbol of the...

Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall, 155 km long and 3.6 m high, lasted from August 13, 1961 to November 9, 1989. It was not just the border between the GDR ( the German Democratic Republic ) and West Berlin. Here passed the line of division between East and West, between socialism and capitalism. History of the Berli...

Aachen Cathedral

Aachensky Cathedral ( Imperial ) in Germany is a unique structure combining the classics of East Roman art and Franco-German architecture. The cathedral is a kind of gift to the city from the powerful rulers of the Holy Roman Empire, where until the XVI century. passed their coronations. There are a...

Marble Mountains at Danang

The Marble Mountains of Danang consist of five peaks. In the Vietnamese name of the mountains is "Nui Ngu Han Song", which translates as the Mountains of the five elements. The largest mountain is the "water", the southern one is the "tree", the western one is the "land", and its southwestern group ...

Con Dao Islands

Kon Dao Islands – is an amazing place where you can have a carefree time enjoying the warm, sometimes even hot, sunshine or learning the underwater kingdom. History of the Con Tao Islands A group of 16 islands is located in southern Vietnam and provides tourists and local residents with more than ...

Nha Trang Cathedral

In Vietnam, there are a huge number of various buildings and structures that have been preserved here since the colonization of these lands by Europeans. Various palaces, houses, as well as churches in the old European style were built here, one of these places is the Nha Trang Cathedral, which is a...

Mount Black Virgin

South Vietnam has long been one of the most popular tourist destinations for tourists coming to this country. Here is a large number of entertainment areas, as well as beautiful architectural objects, one of the popular locations in this area of Vietnam is Mount Black Virgo, which has become popular...

Mount Langbiang

In the vicinity of Dalat is one of the best viewing places – Mount Langbiang, which is famous for its unique beauty and unsurpassed views that open from the top of this mountain. Dalat is a real paradise of Vietnam, it is in Dalat that there are a large number of natural monuments, as well as other ...

Water puppet theater in Hanoi

In Vietnam, the tradition of various theater and costume prestations – was born for a long time, first this tradition came from the imperial yards, where the courtiers entertained the imperial retinue with various productions, later the theater became a real part of the life of the local population,...

Dionysus Theater

Theater — the concept known to man since ancient times. Dionysus Theater — the oldest building dedicated to this art, it can rightfully be considered its cradle. From the history of ancient Greece The ancient Greeks, as you know, had a huge number of Gods, who were revered in a variety of ways. Go...

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