Nusa Dua

Bali is already characterized by luxurious and resort conditions, but even among local beaches, the lovely place of Nusa Dua stands out. This resort area is located in the eastern part of the Bukit Peninsula, which is located in southern Bali, and is the owner of a completely closed territory for foreign territories. You can only go to heaven inside paradise through special checkpoints.

Nusa Dua

The name of the beach is translated from the local language as "Two islands". The beach owes a similar naming to the location of two islets in the neighborhood. The characteristic features of Nusa Dua remain the beautiful shores of the clean coast, the gentle sea without large waves, and the small number of tourists. The latter is associated with very high prices of local hotels.

Nusa Dua Beach is great for lovers of a comfortable stay without fuss and haste, a family vacation with small children. They like to spend their honeymoon with newlyweds and couples in love, enjoying the romantic setting framed by palm trees, sky and the endless sea. At the same time, the length of the beach is only 3 kilometers, and the width reaches 50 meters. A smooth sea approach is great for not the most skilled swimmers and small crumbs that are not very versed in the depths. The nearby coral reef reliably breaks all steep waves, so you can enjoy the ease of the water surface throughout the vacation.

Nusa Dua


The Nusa Dua tourism infrastructure includes luxurious 5-star hotels with its own perfectly well-groomed beaches, where even sand is leveled several times a day, and algae is caught on the way. Travelers can rent sunbeds and parasols, use showers with fresh water, half-closed arbors.

A charming pedestrian path is located along the beach area. A huge number of cafes and restaurants will satisfy the passion for uncharted dishes of Indonesian and Asian cuisine. However, it will not be difficult to find ordinary European dishes. At the same time, local residents do not bother tourists with offers of corn-false fish-pielets-sea massage walks. Street vendors simply have no chance to get into the abode of wealthy travelers. Accommodation in Nusa Duo is represented by luxury hotels or at least representative villas.


The fashionable area does not offer beach parties and other noisy entertainment events. Can't boast Nusa Duo and historical sights. For this kind of entertainment you will have to go to neighboring islands. For those who wish to get unusual impressions within Nusa Duo, there is a completely delightful place called "Water blow", where a stone ledge periodically becomes a magic breakwater, breaking waves, who take off up with a beautiful fountain.

The local water park will heartily open the doors to all tourists who want to experience a keen experience or just slide off the slides of different heights. And the Pacific Museum will satisfy the desire of travelers to look at amazing antiquities and touch the secrets of ancient art. On the Five Temples Square there are several active temples. Visiting religious buildings is completely free. In addition, here you can appreciate the luxury of real spa centers and visit the huge outdoor shopping area.

Nusa Dua Nusa Dua Nusa Dua Nusa Dua Nusa Dua Nusa Dua
Nusa Dua - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -8.791111
Longitude: 115.224722


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