Volcano Rinjani

Rinjani is a volcano, also considered one of the highest points in Indonesia, located on the island of Lombok. Despite the fact that this is a valid volcano, ascents are regularly organized to its top. The last activity of the volcano was observed in 2015, it was accompanied by the release of the ash column.

Volcano Rinjani

The Rinjani volcano is surrounded by Lake Segara Anak, around which a dense forest spread. All this together forms the Rinjani Mountain National Park. The uniqueness of the park lies in the fact that not its territory can be found by representatives of the animal world and vegetation of Asia and Australia. Some come here to specifically watch birds that live here in large numbers.

Tourism near Mount Rinjani

Hiking to the top of the volcano is available in all nearby hotels and hotels. However, you can go on the track and on your own. It is customary to lay two days on the climb. On the first day, groups of tourists go up to the base camp. From it you can take a walk to hot springs. On the morning of the second day, the ascent to the very top, the height of which is 3726 meters, begins.

Volcano Rinjani

Many mountain tourism lovers come to the island to climb to the edge of the Rinjani volcano. Such a trip does not require special training, especially if people from the nearest village are specially trained for equipment and other cargo. Everything you need for overnight on the mountain can be rented at the foot.

Segara Anak Lake — in its unique object, for the Indians it is considered sacred, and various ceremonies are held at it. Once a year, people from all parts of the world come here and perform a common prayer in white robes right off the coast.

In addition to the Rinjani volcano on the island of Lambok, Hindu temples are located, which also deserve the attention of tourists. Mayur Water Palace — another attraction of the island. Unlike Bali, there are not many tourists, and the tourism service is not so well developed, but nature is practically untouched and there are beautiful beaches. Here you can study the seabed, or conquer the waves.

A tourist attraction can be considered small settlements with local residents. People here are engaged in handicrafts and offer various souvenirs for sale. Also, travelers may be interested in rice fields and numerous tobacco plantations.

Volcano Rinjani Volcano Rinjani Volcano Rinjani Volcano Rinjani Volcano Rinjani Volcano Rinjani
Volcano Rinjani - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -8.416667
Longitude: 116.466667


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