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Monument to the victims of the Holocaust

The Holocaust Memorial is a memorial erected in the center of Berlin to commemorate the Jews who suffered at the hands of the Nazis. The monument is located near the Brandenburg Gate. 2711 concrete slabs of various sizes are lined up on a huge field. The Holocaust in history Literally, the term "Hol...

Monument to the Battle of the Nations

In the city of Leipzig there is an interesting monument dedicated to the battle of 1813, which took place near the city. This is the Monument to the Battle of Nations, they called it so because the Austrians, Russians, Germans and Swedes clashed with the army of Napoleon Bonaparte. As a result, his ...

BMW Museum Munich

The BMW Museum in Munich is one of the ten most famous corporate expositions in all of Europe. It is here that you can find the best cars and motorcycles of the BMW brand. All tourists will be able to see the famous models, which are arranged in chronological order: from the past to the great future...

Brandenburg Gate

The Brandenburg Gate is a triumphal building located in the center of Berlin. These are the only city gates that have been preserved since the 18th century. For many years they have been considered one of the key attractions of the German capital. It is safe to say that this is the national symbol o...

Yerevan Lake

Yerevan Lake is not really a lake, it was artificially arranged here in 1963, for which they blocked the channel of the Hrazdan River. From the shores of Lake Yerevan, and some call it even the sea, an excellent view of the city opens. In the roast, locals come to cool water. The water is dirty enou...

Yerevan brandy factory

When visiting the capital of Armenia, you should definitely look into the Yerevan Brandy Factory. The building is built of pink tuff of different shades, traditional for these places. History It seems that there is no more traditional drink for Armenia than Ararat cognac. And it really is. A brandy ...

Yerevan Zoo

Yerevan zoo invariably leaves a lot of positive emotions for both children and adults. General information The history of the zoo in the city of Yerevan began in 1941. Then there were not as many animals here as today, but the park staff and the city administration actively participated in the cre...

Grand Cascade in Yerevan

The Grand Cascade in Yerevan is one of the main decorations of Yerevan. It consists of 5 open areas and stairs. The height of the structure is 450 m, width - 50 m, slope 15 degrees, stairs consist of 572 steps. In 2021, the upper part was not finished yet. Three architects were involved in the proj...


Amalir Sports and Concert Hall. K. Demirchyan is located on Tsitsernakaberd Hill in Yerevan. The largest complex was built in 1983. The SKK project was carried out by a group of famous architects of Armenia, engineers and sculptors. Their work became the winner of the competition among 8 participant...

Madara Rider

One of the symbols of Bulgaria is considered the Madarа rider — an ancient, embossed image carved on a rock. The Madarа rider is the main exhibit of a whole complex dedicated to the history of the Bulgarian people. Since 1979, he has been included in the World Heritage List. General information Th...

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