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Eduardo Avaroa National Park

The Eduardo Avaroa National Reserve is located on the southwestern side of the Potosiv department, which belongs to Bolivia. The total area occupied by the lands of the national park is 714.5 hectares. This park is a plateau, but also found on its territory and an elevated area, which is the mountai...

Whitsunday Islands

Whitsunday Islands – is a Pacific archipelago in the middle of the Coral Sea that belongs to Australia. Its components are 74 islands that are adjacent to the world famous – Great Barrier Reef. This territory, with its white sands and luxurious palm trees, resembles a corner of the earth's paradise....

Laguna Verde Lake

Laguna Verde Lake is located in the southwestern side of Bolivia near the border of Chile. The base of the Linkabur volcano, whose height is approximately 6200 meters, is the location of this wonderful lake. The name it bears, translated from Spanish, means green lagoon. And this is not without rea...

Torres del Paine National Park

Torres del Payne is a national park located in Patagonia, in Chile. It is very popular among tourists, since its endless landscapes have no equal on the whole planet. There are incomparable mountain peaks of the peaks that belong to the Andes. Translated, the name of the park means "Blue Tower". The...

Gargano National Park

Gargano – is a national park located in one of the Italian regions of Apulia, which is a magnificent mountain range consisting of several peaks. The reserve is located near the Adriatic Sea, it is often remembered under the name « spur of the Italian boot ». In addition to the Gargano Rock, the rese...

Cinque Terre National Park

Cinque Terre – is a national park located on the shores of the Ligurian Sea in the eastern side of the Riviera, owned by beautiful Italy. Translated, the name of the reserve is “Five Lands”, since it covers just as many small settlements with the names: Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Kornilia, Manaro...

Lauca National Park

Lauca - Chile National Park, located in the Arica-i-Parinacota region, 1379 km2. The park is known for its small lake zone formed by Lake Chungar and adjacent lakes. Together with the neighboring Las Vicunyas National Park, it forms the Lauka Biosphere Reserve. Nearby is the Bolivian Sakhama Nationa...

Valley of Geysers

The valley of geysers - one of the largest geyser fields on our planet, has found its place in the distant Kamchatka. This is a rather rare occurrence that can be met in nature. A set of geysers lurked among the hard-to-reach gorges of the Kronotsk Reserve, which is in the UNESCO World Heritage Regi...


Colosseum is Italy's most visited attraction. This huge structure was erected under the Roman Empire. The complexity of architecture has been recognized by all countries. In the ancient world, this powerful building was the largest amphitheater, where the Romans soullessly enjoyed the battles of the...

Gran Paradiso National Park

Gran Paradiso – is one of the oldest national parks located in Italy. He took his place in the Grai Alps. The foundation of this reserve was given, back in 1856, by Victor Emmanuel II, who headed Gran Paradiso as a royal hunting reserve. The main reason for creating a reserve on these lands was an a...

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