Mont Saint Michel

Mont Saint Michel is an island lying in Normandy, Department of Manche, which belongs to the northwestern coast of France. It is an unusual beauty fortress. In 1879, this area was connected to the coastline of a two-kilometer dam. Mont Saint Michel is France's most visited attraction after Paris. Since 1979, it has been listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Mont Saint Michel

The uniqueness of this structure lies in what is located on the island-scale and rises above sea level by 78.8 m.

There is a legend about the formation of the rocky island of Mont Saint-Michel. If you believe her, then these rocks brought here the giants – mother and father of Gargantua. And the second more believable version of – is a change in the coastline as a result of a strong storm at the beginning of the Vlll century. It was then that the forests and meadows that were here went under water, and the two hills were transformed into a rocky island called Mon Saint-Michel – large and Tombelen – small.

Mont Saint Michel

Not one thing exists among the people about the formation of the wonderful Mont Saint-Michel castle here. For the most common Archangel in 708, which appeared to Archbishop Ober when he was sleeping, he ordered the church to be erected on a rock, but he ignored the conduct, which was repeated to him more than once. In the end, Archangel Michael, as the legend says, hit the archbishop on his forehead with a finger that there was a hole. It was then that he gave the team to begin construction.

The construction of the monastery dragged on for centuries ( from XI – to XVI ). Many times during this time its owners changed. There lived Vikings, monks, kings were located here. A lot of sieges, attempts to conquer and destroy withstood this motionless castle. Once he survived even a 30-year blockade. He survived the war between France and England, and, not submissive, went down in history.

During the French Revolution ( 1792 ), the monastery became a prison, all the monks were expelled, and the things of the abbey were calculated for debts.

Decades later, the castle was restored, and in 1863 it was opened for tourists to visit.

You can get into the castle by passing through the Royal Gate, which is open to travelers. Tourists are simply delighted with the architectural structure in such an unusual place. Mont Saint-Michel Castle is famous for its own tides that transform it into an island twice a year. At this time, the sandy area that surrounds the castle is filled with water up to 10 meters up. When the sea recedes, 25 km is observed here. sushi.

Every year, a service is held in the abbey, in which both parishioners and ordinary tourists participate. This temple is considered a spiritual center, although in 1790 it lost this role.

Nearly 2 million people visit Mont Saint-Michel Castle in France annually. For tourists there are hotels, cafes, souvenir shops.

Mont Saint Michel Mont Saint Michel Mont Saint Michel Mont Saint Michel Mont Saint Michel Mont Saint Michel

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Mont Saint Michel - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 48.635561
Longitude: -1.510611


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