Gargano National Park

Gargano – is a national park located in one of the Italian regions of Apulia, which is a magnificent mountain range consisting of several peaks. The reserve is located near the Adriatic Sea, it is often remembered under the name « spur of the Italian boot ». In addition to the Gargano Rock, the reserve also belongs to the island of Tremity, which is diligently guarded by the country since 1977.

Gargano National Park

The name of the islands is associated with earthquakes characteristic of this territory, which in its native language sounds like « terremoti ». Under the rule of Benito Mussolini, these lands were associated with the burial of political prisoners, as well as the reference of homosexuals. Back in 1783, a colony was erected here, the ruling king. In 1911, more than a thousand Libyans lived in it, that they did not submit to the current regime in the country.

The sights of the national reserve are Mount Gargano, which is famous for the temple of Mikhail Arkhangel. According to legend, in this place the archangel has repeatedly been to the people. Nowadays, many believers from different countries come to this sacred place.

Gargano National Park

Gargano National Reserve has the unusual beauty of the coast with sandy beaches and mirrored sea water. More often visited, among tourists, is the island of San Domino, since the infrastructure is most developed here. One of the most crowded is considered the island of San Nicola. It houses a monastery, where a monk named Nicola was buried. Believing, when trying to transfer the remains of a monk to another place, a strong wind begins. Capraia, Quatchchio and Pyanoza – are uninhabited islands that are included in the reserve area.

They simply bewitched local landscapes, filled with sandy shores, pine perennial forests, powerful rocks with stone arches.

The Gargano Park is home to the Apennine deciduous forest ecosystem. On the slopes of the mountains, forests turn green, where you can observe centuries-old oaks and beeches.

Tourism of this Gargano National Park is very developed. It offers beautiful hotels, restaurants, campsites. In mountain villages, you can observe a variety of celebrations that are held annually.

You can get to this wonderful place by train or bus from the nearest cities of Foja and Bari, where it is easy to fly by plane.

Monte Gargano National Park Monte Gargano National Park Monte Gargano National Park Monte Gargano National Park Monte Gargano National Park Monte Gargano National Park
Gargano National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 41.733
Longitude: 15.75


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