Sistine Chapel

Sistine Chapel – is an excellent architectural monument that has gained worldwide fame thanks to its chic interior decoration. The chapel was erected back in the 15th century by decree of Sixtus lV, whose name it bears. The location of the Sistine Chapel is the Vatican.

Sistine Chapel

The construction was led by architect J. De Dolchi. At first glance, the Sistine Chapel has nothing special, but it’s worth a look inside, wonderful wall paintings open in the eye, from which you simply can not take your eyes off.

The Sistine Chapel has three floors of a rectangular shape measuring 40.93 x 13.41 meters, it was such data that belonged to the Temple of Solomon, which the Old Testament is in charge of to us.

Sistine Chapel

The construction was planned for the drawings of the architect Pontelli, the implementation of which was taken by J. De Dolchi. The paintings on the inner walls of the premises, which glorified this building in the Vatican, were made by artists whose names are known to the whole world, among them: Botticelli, Perugino, Girlandayo.

Frescoes on the walls of the Sistine Chapel – is not just artwork, but whole storylines. Here are pictures from the life of Christ and Moses. Of course, the most significant work belongs to Michelangelo Buonarotti, which is successfully located above the altar, as well as the ceiling. The creation of his talented hands includes famous frescoes called the scene of Creation, as well as the Last Judgment.

In the Sistine Chapel, there is usually a meeting of cardinals, at which the question of the next successor is decided, in case of death of the pope. The result of the meeting is usually notified by white smoke, which comes from the pipe, which is placed on the chapel.

Various services are also held in this building, in which the pope and other important persons of the Catholic Church take part.

The entrance to the Sistine Chapel is paid, but worth what you can see behind its walls.

Sistine Chapel Sistine Chapel Sistine Chapel Sistine Chapel Sistine Chapel Sistine Chapel
Sistine Chapel - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 41.903056
Longitude: 12.454444


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