Mammoth Cave

Mammoth Cave – belongs to the longest cave complexes of the whole world. Its total length, today, fixed at 580 km. But in this territory, speleologists are constantly working, thanks to which more and more underground spaces are opening. This wonderful underworld has formed in the east of the United States, in the middle of the center of Kentucky.

Mammoth Cave

Adhering to the findings of the researchers, it can be assumed that the Mamont Cave is at least 6,000 years old. Here the burials of the ancient Indian tribe were discovered. European residents became aware of this natural attraction in 1808. But, it is assumed that there are underground spaces, which are still not known.

The foundation of the Mamont Cave is very strong stone rocks, which implies that destruction is not foreshadowed to it in the coming years. But, nevertheless, this area is under state protection and belongs to the National Park of the Mamont Cave, which covers an area of 214 square meters. kilometers.

Mammoth Cave

A feature of the Mamont Cave is the fact that it is very dry, and this is not characteristic of such natural formations. It is very difficult to get water into stone rock, so stalactites are rare guests here. But, there are places where stone arches cracked, where the water still penetrated, as a result of which motionless waterfalls formed here.

Underground rivers also flow in the Mamont cave, one of which, called Styx, flows into the local lake, called Leta. Another river found its way from the dungeon to the surface. In these bodies of water there are albinos shrimp, which you will not meet anywhere else, blind crayfish and fish also live here.

Fascinating sightseeing trips take place in the national reserve, the time of which can last both one hour and six. Tours for every taste are held here, both by ennobled routes that are illuminated, and by very wild paths. A fascinating campaign complements with interesting stories, myths, as well as truthful stories of the formation of the cave itself and the entire reserve, an experienced guide.

Mammoth Cave Mammoth Cave Mammoth Cave Mammoth Cave Mammoth Cave Mammoth Cave
Mammoth Cave - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 37.183333
Longitude: -86.1


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