Tiveden National Park

Tiveden is Sweden National Park. On the territory of the park are the most ancient, pristine-prone areas of the Tiberian Forest. This area is located between 2 lakes: Venern and Wettern. In addition to impenetrable forests in the park, you can find rocky territory that has grown in places with forests.

Tiveden National Park

The Tiveden forest lies on granite rocks. Earlier, 1-1.4 billion years ago, the movement of the earth's crust led to the formation of Lake Wettern, the territory of the park was covered with cracks. In the plains and crevices, the rocks from behind erosion collapsed, forming lakes in which the nearest granite mountains are proudly reflected. Glaciers 11,000 years ago greatly changed the terrain, spreading huge blocks throughout the Tiveden park, which make travel difficult. The glacier took with it a light rock, covering granite plates in places, in places you can see furrows left by boulders while driving.

The plant and animal world of Tiveden Park is rather poor because the soil is scarce. From the trees there are mainly pine trees, aspen, spruce, in places dwarf birch, jelly and fishing line grows. Almost the whole near Stenkella grew up after a major fire of 1835. From mammals in the park you can meet deer, moose, fox, badger, marten, squirrel. Of the birds, there are many dummies, woodpeckers, and swords.

Tiveden National Park

In today's lands of the Tiveden National Park, no one has ever built villages and villages. Only temporary parking of lumberjacks and coal miners was found. In ancient times, roads were laid through swamps, which are still well preserved.

The impenetrable evergreen forests and hilly landscapes with transparent lakes create a sense of primitive desolation. From the top of the Trollkobergen mountain, stunning views appear in the eye, as if from a fairy tale. On the slopes of the mountain you can find caves in which scientists have found traces of a person’s stay. The most popular of them is Stenkel, in which they discovered the pagan altar.

For visitors to Tiveden Park, 25 hiking trails are laid, passing through the most interesting places. The management of the park attaches great importance to environmental measures. So visitors should consider that the park is forbidden to ride a bicycle, you can also not make a fire and harm animals and plants. Excursions mainly pass through the blocks in Stenkelle to the Trollchurkubergen Mountains and end on Witsand Beach.

Tiveden National Park Tiveden National Park Tiveden National Park Tiveden National Park Tiveden National Park Tiveden National Park
Tiveden National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 58.716667
Longitude: 14.6


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