Kejimkujik National Park

Kejimkujik is Canada National Park, founded in 1968 on an area of 404 km2. The park has access to the Atlantic Ocean, in addition to this, there are many rivers and lakes. Compared to other world natural parks, there is a diverse fauna.

Kejimkujik National Park

Due to quartzites, the local soil is prolific. Near Lake Kejimkujik, a sublinic soil prevails, a very friendly soil in the vicinity of peat bogs - drainage systems are quite common there. Acid rains have a huge impact, due to which there is a high acidity in soils.

The main lake of the park, in honor of which the nature protection zone acquired its name, is Lake Kejimkujik. This is the largest pond in the entire park. The origins of the name of this lake are mass, but the most common is the translation of this word from the language of Mikmak - "fatigue muscles". The representative of the granted tribe was left to the current park not only their topononyms, but also petroglyphs.

Kejimkujik National Park

From the larger and more important rivers in the Kejimkudzhik park, the following water arteries can be noted: Mercy, Western and Small Rivers, Shelburn River. Many rivers and waters in their path are considered the link between the Fandi Gulf and the Atlantic Ocean. In fact, there are multiple water routes for all inland water bodies in Kejimkujik Park, including canoeing or kayaking. On the lands of the park it is allowed to engage in fishing, to carry out a cursory pedestrian hike or to go on a long trip.

In the park, Kedzhimkujik often comes across deer, baribal, elk, seal, coyote, porcupine, beaver and marten. But the most protected animal is swamp turtles, recognized here as an endangered species. This turtle is characterized by a yellow neck, the diameter of the shell at the borders of 25-35 cm in adults. Another particularly important species for the park is the American bison, a large population of which used to live in the floodplain of the Mercy River. Now the bison is on the verge of extinction in Kejimkujik Park, it can only be met between the lake, the Medway River and the western border of Mount Tom. The local inhabitant, the eastern dressing snake, has another huge role for the nature of the park. Eastern dressing snakes are also at risk of extinction. There are also more than 250 varieties of birds in the park.

Kejimkujik National Park Kejimkujik National Park Kejimkujik National Park Kejimkujik National Park Kejimkujik National Park Kejimkujik National Park
Kejimkujik National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 44.399167
Longitude: -65.218333
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