
Sokotra Island is a small archipelago in the four islands of the Indian Ocean. Total area of about 3600 km2 located on the coast of the Arabian Sea of the Republic of Yemen. Its length is 130 km, the width – 40 km. Translated by Socotra means an island of happiness.


A few million years ago, Sokotra disconnected from the mainland and became the most isolated place on the planet, as a result of which the landscape of the area is unique, fabulous, very mysterious and unusual. For all this, the island owes itself to nature, which created a truly amazing piece of paradise on earth.

The local area is very diverse – sandy beaches, passing into limestone plateaus, also many caves and mountains towering to 1.5 km.


The climate is deserted-tropical, the temperature at the end of spring and in summer reaches 50 degrees Celsius.

Its nature is unique, because of the landscapes the island is considered unique. There are about 700 species of flora and fauna of amazing beauty that coexist with silence and ocean beaches.

The main symbol of the island of Sokotra are mushroom trees. Another name « Dragon tree » was given as a result of protruding resin on the bark of trees, which was associated with the blood of the dragon. The constituent elements of the resin have healing properties.

Another amazing plant – is a desert rose, which in its appearance resembles the flowering leg of an elephant. An interesting variety of flora is the Cucumber Tree, the fruits of which really resemble the taste of the cucumber. Most trees look so unusual that they make you doubt their real existence.

About 200 species of birds live on the territory. The largest inhabitants of the waters are whales, dolphins, sperm whales, many different crabs, corals and fish. Also on the island live reptiles, mammals.

The population of the island consists of 40 thousand inhabitants, to date, the pristine image of the area has been preserved, many still live without electricity and water pipes. The entire infrastructure of the island is located in the city of Hadibo. An interesting custom of the local population is that they greet each other with their noses.

Sokotra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Having visited the Council, you can take a break from the bustle of the city and enjoy the extraordinary beauty of the area, where the influence of people on nature was the most minimal, here it is possible to have an interesting time for lovers of eco-tourism and outdoor activities.

Sokotra Sokotra Sokotra Sokotra Sokotra Sokotra

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Sokotra - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 12.530556
Longitude: 53.335833


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