Halong Bay

Halong Bay – is the famous bay of the Gulf of Tonkin, which is located on the north side of Vietnam. The bay holds a large number of steep cliffs, various cliffs and, of course, caves. Its total territory is more than 1,500 km2.

Halong Bay

Under the same name, there is a city to which this natural beauty belongs. The city of Halong itself has no attractions, often tourists stop there, who purposefully ply for the bay.

If we literally translate the name of Halong Bay from Vietnamese, then the essence will turn out approximately as follows: the bay where the dragon is immersed.

Halong Bay

This natural attraction of Vietnam in 1994 was included in the UNESCO list, and already in 2011 acquired the title of a new miracle of light. And this is not without reason, because the landscapes of this area are so charming, especially if you take a boat trip between the rocks.

The colorful numerous islands of Halong Bay are presented in the form of rocks in which caves are located. Cave formations have a different shape, size, stalactites are placed in them, some of them form waterfalls. Lighting was carried out in some caves in the rocky islands, which makes them look like underground palaces. Such caves are organized as additional places of entertainment for tourists.

Mostly in Halong Bay, tourists linger for 1-2 days. Katba Island has a hotel where you can stay or spend the night. It is also worth noting some of the danger of such excursions. There were cases when entire excursion groups died, and the thing is that the boats on which tourists take a walk have long served for fishing purposes. These old ships have remade and are used for such walks by bay, but they are not at all intended for these purposes.

The best time to visit is from April to May, as well as from September to October. But given the fact that there are no frosts in Vietnam, excursions to Halong Bay are held all year round. If you want to go on a trip to the bay in the winter, then be prepared for the cold piercing winds that blow from the ocean. The beach season in this area opens in April, which ends in November.

Halong Bay Halong Bay Halong Bay Halong Bay Halong Bay Halong Bay
Halong Bay - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 20.910456
Longitude: 107.0545


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