Volcano Maipo

The Maipo volcano is one of the most active in the world. It is located on the border between Chile and Argentina, 90 kilometers to the southern part of Tupungato and 100 kilometers to the southeastern territory of Santiago. The height of the volcano reaches 5264 m. Its popularity is not due to the height, but to the uniqueness and uniqueness of the form. Among the rest of the volcanoes, it stands out in a conical form with precise symmetry, which is why it is considered one of the most important attractions in all of Argentina.

Volcano Maipo

Interestingly, not only the volcano is distinguished by its originality, but the entire territory next to it. Not far from the volcano is the incredible beauty of the Diamond Crater, the name of which arose due to its resemblance to these stones. The crater is over 500,000 years old, and its dimensions are 20/15 km., Amazing imagination. At the same time, the height of the crater is 1900 m. Near the volcano of Mipo is the beautiful Lake Laguna del Diamante, formed in 1826, after a powerful eruption occurred.

It is worth mentioning the Maypo Canyon, on the bottom of which the river flows. Its intersection is possible only by passing the suspension bridge and if the tourist decides to such a bold act, he will be able to enjoy all the splendor of the landscapes and a large number of waterfalls in the valley of the Maypo volcano.

Volcano Maipo

The embossed territory of the volcano does not allow you to approach it by car, so you will have to get to it by horse, so the tour will become even more unforgettable and will allow you to enjoy the clean air of the mountains, to get acquainted with the uniqueness of the flora and fauna of this highlands, as well as to appreciate the beauty and grandeur of the Maypo volcano. During the tour to the volcano, tourists have the opportunity to visit nearby villages, get to know the customs of the local population better, taste their national cuisine and purchase souvenirs, mountain honey, famous Chilean sweets in shops, baking and decorating.

Volcano Maipo Volcano Maipo Volcano Maipo
Volcano Maipo - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -34.160556
Longitude: -69.832778


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