Haukadalur Valley

Haukadalur is a valley with many geysers in Iceland, located one hundred kilometers from Reykjavik. In addition to the famous geysers of Strokkure, Geysir and there are many small hot springs. In the northern part of the valley is the beautiful Gudlfoss waterfall.

Haukadalur Valley

In 1894, a local farmer sold the Howkadalur Valley to alcohol producer James Craig, who later became Prime Minister of Northern Ireland. He erected a fence and made the entrance paid for those who want to look at geysers. Then he transferred the territory to a close friend who reduced the cost of entry. In 1935, this site was bought by director Sigurdur Jounasson, who gave this territory free use to the people of Iceland.

From now on, clubs of steam from the valley appear, then rising to the sky, then lying right by the ground. By the way, the name of the capital of Iceland translates as "Smoking Harbor". In the Khaukadalur Valley, there are majestic geysers Strokure and Geizir, from which the name of this natural phenomenon once occurred. Geysir was mentioned back in the 13th century, and the 1630 records say that his power was so strong that it forced the earth to tremble at long distances from it. In the 19th century, Geysir's eruptions ceased, but soon an earthquake awakened him, but his power did not recover. Today, Geysir rises to the sky no more than 5 times a day, unlike Strokkkure, whose eruption takes place once every ten minutes. Geysir has a twist - he systematically dries out completely and tourists can see his bottom covered with tuff rocks. In addition to these core ones, there are about 30 small geysers and thermal springs in the Haukadalur Valley.

Haukadalur Valley

No less well known is Lake Blesi, which stands out in bright blue. Also in the Khaukadalur valley you can see mud boilers where dirt blooms everywhere different, which gives beauty and exotic valley. Walking in the valley you must definitely visit the Gudlfoss waterfall, whose name means "Golden Falls". With all his might, he brings down the power of the Hvitau River down, raising water dust up, forming a fabulously beautiful rainbow.

The valley is constantly changing due to frequent earthquakes. Nearby, living people use geothermal sources to heat houses in the winter, and also collect water from hot springs in pools.

Haukadalur Valley Haukadalur Valley Haukadalur Valley Haukadalur Valley Haukadalur Valley Haukadalur Valley
Haukadalur Valley - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 64.314195
Longitude: -20.300932


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