Lesbos Island

Lesbos Island is also known as the Mitilini – Greek island in the northeastern Aegean Sea. He gained fame thanks to the ancient Greek poetess Sappho, who was born here and sang a love for both sexes.

Lesbos Island


But not only Sappho attracts numerous tourists to these places. With the scarcity of rocky landscapes and the abundance of groves, temples, the Genoese castle, as well as the petrified forest, attract all attention.

The largest city of Lesbos Island, combined and the capital – Mytilini – is not characterized by a variety of attractive attractions. But there is something to look at: Genoese Castle – the largest building on the island, the ruins of the ancient theater, as well as the Kiosiki area, where ancient houses are located. Fans of natural nature will like a petrified forest, which is located in the Sigri area. Initially, the island was covered with a dense, impenetrable forest, and everything changed after a strong volcanic eruption.

Lesbos Island


Currently, Lesbos is more popular as a beach resort. Almost all of its coasts are sandy and pebble beaches. And most importantly, their dignity is – the clear sea. The best beach is Vigla, which is located near Mytilini. Also near the capital is the longest sandy resort – Water. Kratigos – is also a good beach, but from the capital it is located a little further than – 12 km.

Agios-Ermugenis Bay boasts picturesque views, but because of this attractive side on weekends it is quite crowded. For solitude, it is better to go to Campo Antissa Beach. These places are rocky, but many turtles live here. Families with children prefer Rock Erus, famous for long coasts and ancient ruins. On Lesbos you can also find nudist beaches. As a rule, they are located near the usual.

And this is still a small part of the places that is suitable for an excellent beach holiday with developed infrastructure and the opportunity to see a particle of ancient Greek culture preserved on the island.

Lesbos is primarily associated with a beach holiday. Warm and clean sea, the sun is almost all year round, sands and rocky landscapes. But here is still a piece of cultural and natural heritage, which is worth seeing at least once in your life with your own eyes.

Lesbos Island Lesbos Island Lesbos Island Lesbos Island Lesbos Island Lesbos Island
Lesbos Island - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 39.166667
Longitude: 26.333333


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