Aachen Cathedral

Aachensky Cathedral ( Imperial ) in Germany is a unique structure combining the classics of East Roman art and Franco-German architecture. The cathedral is a kind of gift to the city from the powerful rulers of the Holy Roman Empire, where until the XVI century. passed their coronations. There are always many tourists who are attracted by ancient legends and the stored great Christian shrines. In 1978, the building was included in the list of World Heritage Sites.

Aachen Cathedral

Briefly about the history of the Aachen Cathedral

Today, Aachen is one of the scientific and educational centers of Germany, almost a quarter of its inhabitants are students. And a thousand and a half years ago, he was a residence of the Frankish kings. In 796, by decree of Charles the Great, a palace chapel was erected - the Palatine Chapel, which became the tomb of the ruler. For the construction, the best architects of Italy and Byzantium were called. This is an octagonal building in the Byzantine style, combined with Gothic elements. Later, numerous outbuildings were made to the chapel, which took shape the modern appearance of the Aachen Cathedral.

Among the relics of the temple is the dress of the Virgin, the veil of the Baby Jesus and the belt in which Christ was crucified. The shrines were delivered from the East at the end of the year before last. It is impossible to establish the authenticity of antiquities, but their significance for Christians is enormous - people cannot live without faith.

Aachen Cathedral

Every seven years, holy relics and other objects are carried to the historical Kachhof Square for detailed familiarization with believers and tourists. The event takes several days and is accompanied by lectures and prayers for representatives of different faiths.

According to legend, when in 1100 the crypt of Karl was opened, they saw an incorrupt emperor sitting on a throne with a crown on his head and a scepter in his hands. Later, the king’s ashes were repeatedly opened and re-buried. Today he rests in a small sarcophagus of gold and precious stones. Emperor Frederick Barbarossa insisted on canonizing the monarch. After that, Aachen became a place of pilgrimage. For centuries, the cathedral has been rebuilt many times, and the modern appearance of the complex was framed as a result of the restoration of the late XIX century, carried out with the protection of Kaiser Wilhelm I. At the moment, services and excursions are held in the building.

Legends of the Aachen Cathedral

It is believed that the construction of the grandiose Aachen Cathedral did not do without the help of other forces. The local legend tells that the money had to be borrowed from the devil himself, provided that the soul of the first who entered would be given to him. Souring builders let in the first wild wolf, having previously called the alarm. The unclean immediately clung to an unhappy animal. And when he realized that he had been deceived, the front door scratched. These cracks today show tourists, however, every guide reins the legend in its own way. The grateful townspeople later erected a monument to the wolf.


The interior is decorated with sculptures of kings - Karl himself, the Hungarian ruler of Istvan, who encouraged the pilgrimage to Aachen. A remarkable gift to the temple from Friedrich the Red-haired is a huge bronze chandelier. A forged product with a diameter of 4.5 meters and now performs its functions. The throne of Charles the Great has been preserved, the seat is made of marble and precious metals. From time to time, a children's choir is engaged in the Aachen Cathedral, exhibitions are organized, souvenir shops are available. Original tinted stained-glass windows, painted ceilings, mosaics, screw woods create a unique atmosphere of millennia-old antiquity. That is why almost 1.5 million tourists visit the place annually.

Aachen Cathedral Aachen Cathedral Aachen Cathedral Aachen Cathedral Aachen Cathedral Aachen Cathedral
Aachen Cathedral - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 50.775556
Longitude: 6.083889


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