Travel blog

Gunung Kawi Temple

Gunung Kawi Temple is the oldest cave temple in Bali, in the past it was actually located under the cave arches, but after the earthquake the upper part was destroyed, and the majestic bas-reliefs are now in the open air. Europeans discovered this place in 1920, and since then it has attracted the i...

Tanjung Benoa

Tanjung Benoa translated from Indonesian means Cape Benoa, it is located in the southern part of the island of Bali. Its area is 5.24 square kilometers. The cape is considered one of the most frequently visited places by tourists in Indonesia, and this is not surprising, because all the necessary co...


Sanur is a coastal region of Bali; Pantai Sanur Beach is recognized as its calling card. It is also one of the most popular tourist sites on the island. Previously, European artists came here in search of inspiration, now everyone can come to Sanur. And, as a rule, people do not regret the trip. Des...

Flores Island

Flores Island is an Indonesian island from the Lesser Sunda Islands group, this amazing place resembles the shape of a long-tailed fish. It was discovered in the 16th century and has been able to preserve its virgin nature to this day. Flores's large western neighbor is the island of Sumbawa, and th...

Sumbawa Island

The island of Sumbawa is located 150 kilometers east of Bali in Indonesia, it occupies almost 15.5 square meters and delimits the territory between the islands. The west belongs to Sumbawa County, where the administrative center is Sumbawa Besar, and the east belongs to Bim, where the administrative...

Sumatra Island

The island of Sumatra is a popular tourist destination; here everyone can find something to suit their taste. The territory exceeds 470,000 square kilometers, and the population is more than 50,000,000 people. The climate is mild and humid; in the jungle you can find a huge number of different plant...

Borneo Island

The island of Borneo, the third largest on the planet, is almost entirely covered in jungle with a mountain range in the center, divided by three countries. 73% of the southern side belongs to Indonesia, the northern side is divided by Malaysia and Brunei at 26% and 1%. The climate of the island is ...

New Guinea

New Guinea is still associated with something so primitive and far from the modern world. Sometimes it seems easier to talk about the structure of a nuclear reactor than to find a small island on the map. Although small is a clear understatement: New Guinea is the second largest in the world. Only G...


Kuta is a district in the southern part of the Indonesian island of Bali, it is part of the Badung district, located on the Indian Ocean coast southwest of Denpasar. In society it is called the center of surfing. Here are the longest beaches with white fine sand and an international airport nearby. ...

Edinburgh Zoo

Edinburgh Zoo was founded in 1909 by Thomas Gillespie. It was inspired by the so-called "open menagerie" in Hamburg, founded by Karl Hagenbeck. This took a different approach than the Victorian menageries with bars and cages. Instead, the Edinburgh building was designed to have large open enclosures...

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