Travel blog


Guilin is called the pearl of China with magnificent places. Thousands of travelers from different countries come to learn more about the history of the city and see the pristine nature. And, as a rule, no one is left disappointed by the trip; this is an excellent opportunity to expand your horizons...

Guangzhou Yuan

Guangzhou Yuan is located on the banks of the Zhejiang River. This is a high-rise building in the Chinese city of Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, built in 2013. Locals have noticed that upon arrival in Guangzhou, many tourists first go to see the ancient temples, which are filled with the rich histor...

Zhujiang Nantian Hot Springs

The Zhujiang Nantian hot springs in Sanya have been used by local residents for thousands of years to improve their health. Today it is a comfortable place to relax and take care of yourself. Visiting the springs is a service that can be ordered from anywhere on the island, or you can buy an entranc...


Lingyinsi is an ancient Chinese monastery, also called the “Temple of Soul Refuge”. It has existed for more than a thousand years on the territory of modern China. It occupies large areas in the northwestern part of Lake Xihu. Thanks to the beautiful pristine nature, this place once received its pur...

Tien Shan

The Tien Shan highlands stretch for 2,500,000 km across 5 countries: China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan. The mountain system is cut by ridges, basins, picturesque valleys, and lakes. The Chinese proudly call it “Heavenly Mountains” or “Divine Mountains”. It is of great interest to...

Mount Baiyun

Baiyun Mountain is located a few miles north of Guangzhou, popularly called White Cloud Mountain. Its height is 427 meters, it is one of the most favorite places of Chinese residents and tourists from different countries. People come here to admire the scenery, put their thoughts in order and find i...

Water city Zhujiajiao

The water city of Zhujiajiao was once an independent city, but with the growth of Shanghai it has become a suburb. This is one of the most ancient cities in China, built on water. Historians say that the first settlements in these places existed 5 thousand years ago. Today it is a corner of peace an...

Mountain fort in Macau

The Mountain Fort in Macau stands out from the rest of the city's attractions. Macau is primarily known to tourists as a city with a huge number of casinos, bars, restaurants and various exclusive and expensive vacation spots. But there are also historical places here that deserve special attention....

Mount Makalu

The peak of Mount Makalu, whose name translates as “Black Mountain,” is considered the fifth highest in the world. Due to its steep slopes and narrow ridges, it is recognized as the most difficult peak to conquer. Statistics show that less than 30% of expeditions achieve success. To date, 17 routes ...

Mount Kailash

Mount Kailash or is one of the mysteries of Western Tibet, which is located in remote and inaccessible places. According to history, not a single conqueror of the peaks managed to reach the final point; this is a sacred place for almost a fifth of the people on the globe. Pilgrims rush to the foot o...

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