Monasteries of Meteora

Meteora is a monastery complex of Greece, known for its unusual location in the Hasia Mountains near the city of Kalambaka. The Komplesk was formed in the 10th century and lasted to this day. In 1988, he was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Monasteries of Meteora

The mountains here began to form 60 million years ago and reach a height of 600 meters. Under the influence of erosion, the rocks took a bizarre shape, similar to stone pillars.

According to legends, the monks settled here a long time ago. They built themselves prayer places in caves where they studied scriptures. But for prayers they had to go down from the mountains to the Arkhangels church. According to scientists, the first monastic building was built by Varnava in 970, then in 1020 a monk from the island of Crete built the Preobrazhensky monastery, and in 1160 the Stagi monastery was designed. Its construction marked the beginning of a special meteor community.

Monasteries of Meteora

For 3 centuries, the monks Meteor lived serene, but in the 13th century the struggle of the Serbs, crusaders, and Turks began to seize this region. In 1334, the monk Athanasius came here, who was driven by corsairs from Afon. He had one goal - to equip the monastery as in Athos. He found 14 monks in the district and they climbed a 613 meter rock, starting the construction of the Great Meteor Monastery, famous for the whole world". The majesty of this place, its beauty and security from the raids of bandits - allowed the foundation of a large monastery community. In the 16th century, during the heyday of the community, 24 monasteries functioned here, but over time they fell into decay and there were 6 current ones.

Until the 20th century, roads and steps to the monasteries of Meteor have not yet been built - the monks first to raise them along the suspended stairs and in nets that the monks breathed fresh. Also, all building materials, as well as food, were raised on the mountain.

The inhabitants of Meteor had many difficulties. They were attacked by Krstonosites, Turks, during the Second World War they were plundered by German and Italian occupiers, they also experienced difficulties during the Civil War. But they all managed to regain their greatness and also became an object known among tourists. Such popularity can boast only of the Montserrat Monastery in Spain. When visiting monasteries, it is worth considering that there is a strict dress code - closed shoulders, long trousers for men and a skirt for women.

Monasteries of Meteora Monasteries of Meteora Monasteries of Meteora Monasteries of Meteora Monasteries of Meteora Monasteries of Meteora
Monasteries of Meteora - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 39.714167
Longitude: 21.626944


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