Olympic National Park

Olympique – is the national reserve of the United States of America, which belongs to the state of Washington. The date of its foundation is 1938. Olympic Park is unique to its plant and animal world, which has been isolated from American lands for a long time. Even in our time, you can meet unique species of animals and plants.

Olympic National Park

Since 1885, various expeditions have been held on the lands of the national park. Olympic Park is located 3735 km2 American land. A fairly diverse natural landscape is noted here, which is represented by pristine forests, meadows, crystalline lakes, steep mountains and glaciers. The mountain range, the height of which, in some places, reaches 2400 m., Divides the entire park into two parts and is the main reason for the formation of various climates in the eastern and western parts of the park. The tropical forest predominates in the western part of the reserve, the largest amount of rainfall among the whole country falls here. In the east, Olympic is a predominantly dry climate.

The huge ancient trees of Olympic Park make it simply majestic. There are representatives of the forest, who are already more than two hundred years old. Some of them have thirty-story buildings and are simply immense.

Olympic National Park

According to the US government, much effort has to be made to maintain the area in its original form, but Olympic Park will always be in the care of the state in order to save it for future generations. In 1976, this area was declared the International Biosphere Reserve, and in 1981 the park was entered into UNESCO registers.

Olympic National Park is considered just a wonderful place for excursions in the wild. There is also an excellent coastal line in the reserve, the length of which is approximately 117 km. The local nature also remained untouched, which is uncharacteristic of the built-up coast of the United States.

The pride of the national park is also large cedar trees. Their trunks were used in ancient times for the construction of houses and the construction of boats. The branches were indispensable for the production of harpoon, and the bark – for clothes, diapers and various bedding.

The park is also a mountain with a peak called Olympus. This peak has many mountain rivers that look just like blue threads, accusing rocks.

The most popular place in Olympic Park among tourists is the Harrikainz ridge, from where the excellent landscapes of this wonderful reserve open.

Olympic National Park Olympic National Park Olympic National Park Olympic National Park Olympic National Park Olympic National Park
Olympic National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 47.681111
Longitude: -123.513611


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