Ski dubai

Ski Dubai – is the first ski resort in the middle of the hot Dubai. It covers an area of 22.5 thousand square meters. meters. At the same time, there may be 1.5 thousand vacationers. In Ski Dubai, everyone will like some winter entertainment, because there are plenty of them. This complex has a height that equals with a 25-story building, and its width is 80 meters.

Ski dubai

Ski Dubai – is completely covered with white snow, which is made with water and cold. It is environmentally friendly, since it does not contain any unnecessary additives. Usually, the territory of this recreation area is covered with 70 cm. A layer of snow, for which approximately 30 tons of snow is produced here every night. The temperature inside the Ski Dubai room can be compared to the temperature in the refrigerator, thanks to which the snow does not melt. It is supported by the high insulation created here, as well as powerful conditioning.

Ski Dubai houses 5 ski slopes, which are designed for both beginners and professionals. For example, the longest descent is 400 meters in size and also holds 60 meter springboard. Snowboard lovers choose « pype », which numbers 90 meters.

Ski dubai

There are also zones here that are successful among beginners, as well as children, because experienced instructors provide their work. Usually the teaching is conducted in groups of 4 to 10 people.

The children's territory, where the huge « Snow Park » is located, is intended for age categories from 3 to 12 years, accompanied by parents. It holds a wonderful snow cave, as well as a variety of attractions, slides and a bobsled track. This is the largest park of its kind, in the whole world, it numbers 3000 m2.

Ski Dubai also has lifts, on one of which, called « Saver », you can climb the sled.

This resort area accommodates a cafe where you can dine after fun outdoor activities. Cafe with the corresponding name « Avalanche » has a magnificent view of the snow descent. The Snow Pro theme store is also located here, where tourists purchase caps, gloves ( they are not issued for hire with hygienic considerations ) and other various equipment. All necessary equipment for recreation can be purchased for hire.

Tickets for visiting Ski Dubai, there is the opportunity to buy for a couple of hours or for the whole day.

Ski dubai Ski dubai Ski dubai Ski dubai Ski dubai Ski dubai
Ski dubai - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 25.117222
Longitude: 55.198333


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