Castel Sant'Angelo

The Castle of the Holy Angel is one of the most important attractions of Italy and is located in Rome near the Vatican on the banks of the Tiber River. Today – is an architectural monument-museum. And during its existence, it was both a tomb, a prison, and a residence of dads, all this makes up the history of the castle.

Castel Sant'Angelo

The construction of the Castle of the Holy Angel began in 135 with the aim of creating burials for the family of Emperor Adrian. But he did not find the completion of the work, his heir Antonin Pius completed construction in 139. The mausoleum was cubic, lined with Carrara marble.

It was almost turned into a cemetery – emperors and family members were buried here. On one of the fries are written the names buried in the mausoleum. For two centuries, they almost forgot about the mausoleum, and then they rebuilt it into a military fortress, which served as a defense against attacks.

Castel Sant'Angelo

The name of the castle is named after the Archangel Michael, who was seen on the roof of the castle in 590 at the height of the plague. Soon there was no plague, and in honor of this, the figure of the archangel was erected. Since that time, the tomb castle acquired a sacred status and became known as the Castle of the Holy Angel. To date, the sixth figure has already been erected.

Today, the castle has the National Museum, one of the most visited in Rome, which is a maze of 58 rooms located on five floors. The interior of the rooms belongs to different periods. Immediately near the ticket offices, you can consider the model of the fortress in different eras of its existence.

The Museum of the Castle of the Holy Angel presents shafts, papal apartments, an arms gallery, and a palace of Glory. The castle has a Secret Archive, Treasures Hall, a library. Here is a collection of ancient paintings, sculptures and ancient weapons. The walls of the castle are decorated with beautiful frescoes of 15-16 centuries. On the third floor there is a chapel painted by the artist Michelangelo.

At exactly noon, a shot from a gun occurs, notifying the exact time. The exciting fact is that today there is a transition underground connecting the castle with the Vatican.

The National Museum of the Castle of the Holy Angel attracts both ordinary tourists and famous poets and artists who receive a charge of energy and inspiration here.

The bridge of the Holy Angel leading to the castle itself is also of interest. Throughout its length are statuettes of angels of the work of Bernini. This is a favorite place for photographers, artists and merchants.

Castel Sant'Angelo Castel Sant'Angelo Castel Sant'Angelo Castel Sant'Angelo Castel Sant'Angelo Castel Sant'Angelo
Castel Sant'Angelo - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 41.903064
Longitude: 12.466355


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