France: attractions and places of interest

Catacombs of Paris

Catacombs of Paris are the ominous attraction of Paris. Since the 18th century, the remains of the remains of the deceased are left here. By our time, 6 million remains were collected and 300 km of tunnels were dug according to some data, and the area occupied by them is more than 11,000 m2. These ...

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower, which opened back in 1889, is the brightest attraction of Paris. It is known to the whole world as a symbol of the capital of France. His name is in honor of the inventor Gustav Eiffel, who called her just a 300 meter tower. In fact, opening it, he did not even suspect future fame....

Mont Saint Michel

Mont Saint Michel is an island lying in Normandy, Department of Manche, which belongs to the northwestern coast of France. It is an unusual beauty fortress. In 1879, this area was connected to the coastline of a two-kilometer dam. Mont Saint Michel is France's most visited attraction after Paris. Si...

Chenonceau Castle

Chenonceau Castle is located in France and is one of the most popular places among travelers. Its real name is – Chenonceau, and among the people it is known as « Dama Castle ». The story of the castle charges him more than 700 years. The palace is located on the Cher River near the village of Sheno...


Versailles is a landmark of France of world significance. This unusual beauty of the palace and park ensemble is the former residence of the French kings. The creator of this castle was Louis XIV himself, who created it from the simple suburban house of Louis XII. This magnificent building, the crea...

Luxembourg Garden

Luxembourg Garden is a landmark of Paris, which is worth a visit to anyone who stops in the city. On the territory of 26 hectares there is a palace and park complex, which used to be royal, now the Senate is holding meetings in the Luxembourg Palace, as well as one of the chambers of the French parl...

Mercantour National Park

Mercantour is a national park founded in 1979 and is the youngest of the ten currently existing national parks in France. Its area is 685 km2 and extends through the territory of two departments – Seaside Alps and Alps of the Upper Provence. The nearest major city – Nice, From the south side to the ...

Natural Park Camargue

Camargue is a regional natural park in France, located in the delta of the largest river in France – Rhone, near the Mediterranean Sea. Occupies 857 km2. Created in 1928, at the initiative of the Head of the French National Society for Conservation of Nature, Professor Louis Manzhen. The landscape o...

Écrins National Park

Écrins is a French national park occupying the Western Alps, containing the Pelva mountain range, which houses a reserve with the same name. The park was founded in 1963 on an area of 918 km2. The borders of the park pass along the rivers Romance, Dyurans, Gizan and Drak. The height of the mountains...

Verdon Gorge

The Verdon Gorge is located in the southeast of France, in the Provence-Alpes-Lazurny Beach region. The Verdon Gorge is the canyon of the Verdon River. The canyon is about 25 kilometers long and up to 700 meters deep. The most impressive part of the canyon lies between the cities of Castellan and Mu...

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