France: attractions and places of interest

Angers Castle

Anger Castle is located in the west of France in the city of the same name. It rises above the Men River on a hilltop and is the highest point of the area. Initially, the purpose of the building was to protect the Romans from enemy attacks. Later, the castle was rebuilt into a luxurious palace. Ange...

Ambroise Castle

Ambroise Castle rises in the geographical center of France over the Loire River. This majestic structure combines the Middle Ages with the Renaissance. Its history begins even from the time of the Celts, when the first fortifications were erected. The current type of castle began to acquire in the 1...

France Miniature

France in miniature is a magnificent park located near Paris. It is here that tourists can enjoy a wonderful walking tour, where in just three hours you can travel around the whole of France. Here, on five hectares of territory, are located the most famous sights of a wonderful European country, onl...


Vaux-le-Vicomte – is 50 km away. from Paris and is a palace-estate, which dates back to the XVII century. This building is considered the predecessor of Versailles and enjoys great success among tourists. The history of the V-le-Viscount Palace dates back to 1641, when Fouquet takes over a small es...

Chambord Castle

Among the wonderful architectural buildings located in the valley of the Laura River in France, an excellent fortress castle called Shambor rises. This majestic building was erected in honor of the lady, who was close to the heart of Francis I. Shambor Castle is considered the most famous and majest...

Tuileries Garden

The Tuileries Garden belongs to the largest parks in France, it is also considered the oldest garden in the whole world. The territory of the park is 25.5 hectares and is located in the very center of Paris. The Tuileries Garden was created in the 16th century, and many park creators take its unusu...

Saint Cloud Park

Saint-Cloud Park – is a magnificent park that is located in France near its capital, namely in a city called Saint-Clou. Its area is approximately 460 ha. Saint-Clou Park is a favorite vacation spot for both residents and its guests. Various events are often held in this area, including retro car ex...

Marqueyssac Gardens

In one of the regions of France, called Dordon, there is a small town of Vezak, which became famous thanks to the ancient attraction, which is the Marquezac castle, as well as the lovely pendant gardens located around it. Gardens in this area were founded back in the XVII century for aristocrats wh...

Notre-Dame de Paris

Notre-Dame-de-Paris – is a beautiful religious building located in France. It was erected back in 1315 on the lands of the island of Sita, located on the Seine River. This Gothic temple is undoubtedly the most famous in Europe, as evidenced by the high attendance of its tourists, who, annually, here...


Colmar – is a fairy tale city that has found its place in one of the regions of France – Elsase. There are allegations that he is the most beautiful in Europe, and it is not possible to disagree with this. The territory of the city – is a flat area on the Losh River, near the Rhine. Colmar is a uni...

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