France: attractions and places of interest

Valençay Castle

A wonderful architectural historical monument is Valance Castle, which is located in the French Valley of the Loire and is protected by UNESCO. The construction of this historically important facility lasted more than one century. Initially, the castle was a common fortification in the place where ...

Blois Castle

In the unrivaled French valley of the Loire, there is the majestic castle of Blois, which really deserves the title « royal ». This palace served as a luxury apartment for at least 17 members of the royal family. It was here that Catherine the Medici was the last place of residence, and the Duke de ...

The perfect castle of Ferdinand Cheval

The ideal castle of Ferdinand Sheval – this name has a charming structure located in the small town of France – Sharm-sur-Gerbas, near Lyon. This delightful building was erected by a man who had not previously done anything like this, in particular architecture. From a very young age, Ferdinand was...

Field of Mars

The Field of Mars or the French Champ de Mars – is a beautiful park area that is located in France and belongs to the 7th district of Paris. This area is the favorite of the entire urban population, as well as numerous tourists from other countries. The Field of Mars is located on the left bank of ...

Bois de Vincennes

The Vincennes Forest is a clouded forest, with a total area of 995 hectares. He settled in the 12th arrondissement of Paris. Together with the Bulon Forest - provides oxygen to the entire city line. Since the 10th century, this forest area has been watched by the French government, where it was hap...

Boulogne Forest

The Boulogne Forest, which in French sounds like Le bois de Boulogne, belongs to Paris and occupies 865 hectares. This chic forest massif is located near the suburb of Boulogne-Billancourt and is rightfully considered the source of oxygen for the entire metropolis. The history of the Boulogne fores...

Fontainebleau Palace

Fontainebleau Palace is located near the French city of the same name. This castle-palace was erected in the style of the Renaissance during the reign of Francis I. The royal residence was the only one in all of Europe where there were no defensive functions. For all the time of its existence, many...

Arc de Triomphe

The Arc de Triomphe – is an excellent architectural monument, which is a grand majestic building. She is the heart of the Champs Elysees, and more than ten Parisian streets originate in her foundations. The construction of such an not quite ordinary construction began in 1806. The idea of erecting ...


Champs Elysees are considered the most important street of Paris, which begins from the Place de Concorde and reaches Charles de Gaulle Square. In size, the street is one of the largest – width is 70 meters, the length is slightly more than 1900 meters. This most important attraction of the capital...

Château d'If

If Castle found its place in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea on the small island of the Friul archipelago. It was built back in 1527-1531 to protect the French city of Marseille from the sudden invasions of sea conquerors. If Castle is located one mile from the city coastline in an area of 30,00...

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