Landmarks of the world


Venice – is a kind of city located on the water. Here, instead of roads and bicycles, there are water ducts. Its location is Northern Italy, near the Adriatic Sea. The population of the city is close to 300 thousand people. The unique location of Venice is simply surprising. This wonderful city is ...

Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park

Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park is located in Italy. Very often you can also hear its first name - Abruzzo. This mountain reserve is located in the Appenins, amazing landscapes of this area and made it famous. The vast territory of the park belongs to the province of L’Aquila, but some of i...

St Mark's Basilica

St Mark's Basilica is located in Northern Italy, or rather in the beautiful city of Venice. Today, it is a unique cultural monument where very interesting exhibits are collected. This cathedral rises in the main square of Venice, which bears the name - St. Mark's Square. Nearby, there is a great mon...


Kizhi Island, which is located in Karelia, is famous for its ensemble of unique wooden cultural monuments. Here, back in 1960, an open-air museum-reserve was founded, which is now known to the whole world. This island is an area on Lake Onega with 5.5 km long and 800 meters wide, where ancient objec...

Trevi Fountain

Trevi Fountain – is one of the most famous and majestic fountains « Eternal City » Rome. It was designed by renowned architect Nicolo Salvi, at the request of Pope Clement Xll. This beauty, which fascinates thousands of tourists in our time, has been created for 30 years, starting in 1732. This is t...

Royal Palace of Caserta

The Royal Palace in Caserta – is a former suburban apartment of kings that belongs to the Burbon dynasty. In an attempt to compete with Versailles and Peterhof, the Neapole King Charles III created a magnificent palace surrounded by parks and gardens. Today, tourists are happy to attend the wonderfu...

Marble Caves

Marble caves are located in Lake Buenos Aires on the border of Chile and Argentina in the Patagonian Andes. Marble Cathedral – is a marble cave that is located in the middle of the lake on an islet with limestone. Scientists believe that about 6200 years ago, marble caves began to form thanks to th...

Easter Island

Easter Island is located in the Pacific Ocean, 3,703 km from Chile. Among the locals is known as Rapa Nui. All over the world, Easter Island is famous for its stone sculptures - moai, which there are more than one hundred. The island was discovered on April 5, 1722 by a traveler from Holland, Jacob...

Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China – is the oldest structure of the Chinese people, which emphasizes the power of this country. It was erected about 2 thousand years ago in order to preserve the integrity of the borders of the empire, as well as protect agricultural land from enemy raids. Its main materials we...

Catacombs of Paris

Catacombs of Paris are the ominous attraction of Paris. Since the 18th century, the remains of the remains of the deceased are left here. By our time, 6 million remains were collected and 300 km of tunnels were dug according to some data, and the area occupied by them is more than 11,000 m2. These ...

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