Marble Caves

Marble caves are located in Lake Buenos Aires on the border of Chile and Argentina in the Patagonian Andes. Marble Cathedral – is a marble cave that is located in the middle of the lake on an islet with limestone.

Marble Caves

Scientists believe that about 6200 years ago, marble caves began to form thanks to the waves of the lake. These mazes, columns and various shapes of the cave actually have a limestone base, although the bluish hue that is displayed in the clear water of the lake is misleading. There is an opinion that at a depth where humanity cannot get, they are still marble, and this place is the largest field of marble on earth.

Many years ago, ice lay on this territory, but over time it came down and opened for display, this unusual natural attraction. The most famous and favorite place among tourists are three grottoes that are located on this peninsula – Marble Cathedral, Marble Cave, as well as a chapel. It is worth noting that admiring this pristine miracle of nature is better in early spring, when the water level in the lake is low and the most curious tourists are given the opportunity to get into the middle of twisted mazes, accompanied by an experienced guide. Here they simply admire how children play wall colors, their unusual patterns, and the reflection of light in turquoise water. They look curiously into natural windows that open their views on distant corridors, as well as caves, where a sightseeing boat cannot reach. Marble Caves very change the view depending on the weather, as well as the time of year.

Marble Caves

This unusual place with mirror water also attracts fishing enthusiasts, because here you can have a great time for your favorite business and catch magnificent fish among which salmon and trout can get, that live in very clean water.

Tourism is very developed here, and a pleasure boat with a wonderful guide is always at your service, which will devote you to all the subtleties of this attraction. But to get here, you need to go purposefully, having patience, since the Marble Caves are not quite close to the capital of Chile, Santiago. Be sure that your fatigue, which is associated with a long road, will immediately pass as soon as you take away this unearthly beauty.

Chilean Marble Caves Chilean Marble Caves Chilean Marble Caves Chilean Marble Caves Chilean Marble Caves Chilean Marble Caves
Marble Caves - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -46.466667
Longitude: -71.633333


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