Royal Palace of Caserta

The Royal Palace in Caserta – is a former suburban apartment of kings that belongs to the Burbon dynasty. In an attempt to compete with Versailles and Peterhof, the Neapole King Charles III created a magnificent palace surrounded by parks and gardens. Today, tourists are happy to attend the wonderful creation of the 18th century, which is a palace, filled with luxury in the Baroque style, and is also surrounded by a huge green park with charming fountains, wonderful sculptures and waterfalls.

Royal Palace of Caserta

The palace has 1200 rooms, it is the largest building in Europe of that time. Another significant reason for the construction of this palace is the fact that the main residence of the kings, located in Naples, was subjected to constant raids from the sea side.

The grandiose construction lasted about 28 years, starting in 1752. To implement the plans, the city of Caserta was even moved ten kilometers. A church was erected on the territory of the palace square, as well as a court theater. The intentions of architect Luigi Vanvitelli were related to the construction of the library and university, for a pity, and did not come true.

Royal Palace of Caserta

The palace is harmoniously surrounded by dozens of fountains, a grand aqueduct, as well as workers' houses that are successfully hidden under the garden pavilions. Inside the palace looks simply huge, its spacious rooms will fill with huge chandeliers, sculptures, as well as a variety of interesting figurines. Popular Hollywood films were shot in this palace, among which are Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, and many others.

By the completion of the construction of the palace in Caserta, the manner in which the majestic Versailles was imitated was a thing of the past. Critics have repeatedly expressed their opinion about the enormous, uniqueness of the royal apartments. But still in 1997, this complex was included in UNESCO lists as a monument to the World Heritage of Humanity.

Royal Palace in Caserta Royal Palace in Caserta Royal Palace in Caserta Royal Palace in Caserta Royal Palace in Caserta Royal Palace in Caserta
Royal Palace of Caserta - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 41.07
Longitude: 14.325833


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