Toledo Cathedral

Toledsky Cathedral, aka Cathedral of St. Mary - the main cathedral of Spain, which is a monument of architecture. In 1986, he was added to the World Heritage List.

Toledo Cathedral

Toledsky Cathedral is considered one of the largest cathedrals in Spain: its width is 60 meters, length 120, and the upper point is at an altitude of 44 meters. The cathedral was erected on the site of the church of the Visigoths. It is not known exactly when the church was built, but in 587 it was already built and re-consecrated after King Rekkared I changed faith from Arian to Christianity. This event was captured in the inscription of the 16th century, located on the sidelines of the cathedral. After this event, Toledo received the status of a center of Christianity in the Westgot kingdom. In 711, the church became a mosque after the conquest of the city by the Moors, only in 1085 did Castilian King Alfonso VI recapture the city. The Moors agreed to capitulate, provided that they would not be persecuted and left a mosque for them, but in 1087 the king broke his promise and the mosque was re-consecrated to the Christian temple.

In 1212, the combined army, led by Alfons VIII, defeated the more than double-numbered army of Moors, which played a significant role in the liberation of the Iberian Peninsula from the influence of the Moors. After that, the king decided to erect a huge church building, but intentions were destined to come true in 1226, when the old church was demolished and a new building began to be erected. The construction of the cathedral was completed in 1493. Toledsky Cathedral was built in the Gothic style, in which French influence is clearly visible. The cathedral has 5 naves - elongated halls formed by 88 columns and 72 arches. In the 14th century they attached the chapel of St. Vlasius and the clutter. At the cathedral stands the northern tower 90 meters high, on which is the Kampanya-Gorda bell weighing 17 tons. They planned to build the southern tower, but a Mosarab chapel was built on its site.

Toledo Cathedral

Over the years, the buildings around the cathedral were closed and therefore it is difficult to imagine the enormous size of the Toled Cathedral. Only the main facade, looking at the central square of Toledo, is clearly visible. The main facade has 3 entrances: the gates of hell, the gates of the terrible court and the Gates of forgiveness. It is believed that if you go through the gates of forgiveness, you can receive the remission of sins if you truly repent.

Toledo Cathedral Toledo Cathedral Toledo Cathedral Toledo Cathedral Toledo Cathedral Toledo Cathedral
Toledo Cathedral - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 39.8575
Longitude: -4.023056


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