Travel blog

Southern cultures

Southern cultures are an amazing park in Sochi, broken back in the distant 1910 under the guidance of the talented gardener Arnold Regel. In 1910, General Daniil Vasilievich Drachevsky wanted to break a large park on his Manor Manor on an area of 11 hectares. To do this, he invited a specialist in ...

Yew-boxwood grove

The yew-samshite grove is a unique natural monument near Sochi, in which a rare Colchis samishite and a berry yew grow. The forest area is more than 300 hectares and since 1931 it has been a conservation. Ancient plants that grew 30 million years ago have survived in the yew-samshite grove to this ...


Achilleion is a magnificent palace on the island of Kerkyra in Greece, built for the Austrian Empress Elizabeth of Bavarian in 1890. The main theme for the decoration of the palace was the Greek hero Achilles. The land on which the palace was located used to belong to diplomat Petros Vrailas Armeni...

Sofiyivka Park

Sofievka Park is a huge national dendrological park in the city of Uman in the territory and plant diversity. It is a very popular place among citizens and visitors. Sophia was laid by Polish Count Stanislav Pototsky to give his wife a birthday. In 1802, the park was ready for the names of Sofia Wi...

Shinon Castle

Shinon Castle is one of the royal castles built in the valley of the Luara River. The castle consists of three fortresses built at different times. The main building of Shinon Castle was built back in 954 by Count Tib I de Blois on a hill. In 1037, Count Fulk III Nerra ( Count Anjou ) captured thes...

Loches Castle

Loches Castle is one of the oldest castles in the Loire River Valley, which has seen many battles and royal intrigues over the years of its existence. The first defensive structure in this place appeared at the beginning of the 9th century, and was a wooden tower guarding the settlement. Everything...


Lal-Kila Fortress ( Red Fort ) is an amazing attraction of India, built during the reign of the Great Mughal. Architects built a fortress in the image and likeness of paradise described in the Qur'an. The construction of the citadel began in 1639 by order of Emperor Shah Jahan and after 9 years the...

Livadia Palace

Livadian Palace is one of the residences of the rulers of the Russian Empire, located near Yalta. It was here in 1945 that the fateful Yalta Conference of the Allied Powers was held, which decided the order of peace after the Second World War. The history of this region began back in ancient times,...


Nivki - a park-monument of landscape gardening in Kiev. The thread consists of the western and eastern parts, which the railway conditionally shares. The park in this place was organized in 1972. During the time of the Russian Empire, these lands belonged to Governor General Illarion Vasilchikov an...


Turgoyak is a large fresh lake in the Chelyabinsk region near the city of Miass. Water in the lake is considered the second after Baikal in its purity and transparency. There are several versions of the origin of the name of the lake, the most convincing of them is that the lake was formerly called...

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