Travel blog

Holyrood Palace

The official residence of the monarch in Scotland, often known as the Palace of Holyrood, stands in the beautiful grounds beneath Arthur's throne. In the tower of Mary, Queen of Scots, her secretary David Rizzio was killed. Luxurious apartments feature decorative stucco ceilings, wood carvings, tape...

Rochester Castle

Located near the ancient home of the Romans, Rochester Castle towers over the city of the same name. The equally impressive Rochester Cathedral stands at the base of the castle, another architectural gem of this small but historically rich southeastern city. Strategic Importance Rochester Castle its...

Corfe Castle

An early Norman castle overlooking the village of Corfe is an unforgettable sight. Corfe Castle was built during the reign of William the Conqueror to control the passage through the Purbeck Hills on the road between Swanage and Wareham. However, there was a fortress on this site long before the Nor...

British Museum

The British Museum is one of the most famous museums in the world, it houses over 8 million interesting artifacts. This museum is a real find for those who are interested in the history of mankind. It was founded by Sir Hans Sloan in 1753, who filled in much of his own collection. For the first time...

Palace of Justice in Brussels

The capital of Belgium - Brussels, is famous for the fact that there is a huge number of administrative buildings not only of Belgium itself, but also of world communities - the UN, the EU. In addition, Belgium is an example of old European architecture, and in this regard, the Palace of Justice sta...

Grote Markt

As in any ancient city, in the center of Bruges is the Grote Markt market square. This is one of the most important places, it is actively visited by tourists from different countries. Part of the old city is freed from traffic, even tourist buses do not go here. Everything is as it was here centuri...

Belfry of Bruges

The city of Bruges has a very long history, it is not easy to track its beginning, but according to historical data, it began no earlier than the 3rd century AD, and already in the 6th-7th century the city became the center of Flanders. With the development of trade, he gradually took a leading posi...

Antwerp Zoo

A place that will be of interest to people of any age is the zoo, the zoological garden in the city of Antwerp is not only a place of residence for a variety of species, but also a monument of culture, architecture and history of the city. It is located in close proximity to the local train station,...

Antwerp Port House

Antwerp is a port city, it is included in the 20 largest cities - ports around the world. Antwerp Port House is a way to connect modernity and history. The original building not only accommodated everything necessary for the operation of the headquarters of the Port Authority, but also became a real...

Charlottenburg Palace

Charlottenburg is a large palace complex in Berlin, built in the 17th century, located in the western part of the city. It has a rich history that the Germans are proud of and pass on information about its origin from generation to generation. King Frederick I of Prussia gave this castle to his wife...

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