Appian Way

Via Appia – Latin name Appian Way, which is considered the founder of all Roman roads. It is named after Appia Claudius Tsek. As a Caesar, consul and military leader, he began construction back in 312 BC. and lasted work in stages, about two centuries. The aim of the project was to connect Rome with remote territories.

Appian Way

Construction history

According to historical documents, Apiy himself spent almost the entire state budget on the implementation of this plan, for which he was subjected to general criticism for a long time. He was reproached for the fact that the reason for this grand construction was personal gain. And although Apiy made a great contribution to the literature and jurisprudence of Rome, he is known precisely on the Appian Way.

Ancient Romans are credited with incredible perseverance and talent when building such roads. They practiced laying highways more than 2000 years ago. The very first section of the road lasted almost 200 km. and connected Rome with the eastern city of Kapuya. The second stretch of construction was the 40-kilometer canvas to the city of Benevento. And the last part was the construction of 300 km of the road in a southeast direction to the port of Brundizi, located on the Adriatic coast. It was the only connection with the Balkan Peninsula. Subsequently, it was on the Appian Way that a message was made between Rome, Greece, Asia Minor and Egypt. In those areas where Appieva adjoined the river, the Romans erected bridges, sometimes over them elevated water pipes ( aqueducts ). Some of these facilities have survived to date.

Appian Way

Uniqueness and features

The Appian road is unique not only in its length, but also in the durability of its use. Despite the fact that the road has been active for movement for more than 1,500 years, several of its segments are used to this day. Even the destroyed areas of the canvas were not erased by time, but disappeared from the face of the earth due to medieval landowners who used stones for personal buildings.

Durability and originality

Why is Appiev’s Way so long-lasting? Secrets are stored in technology of those times. The engineering essence was in the preliminary alignment of the hills and the lower, after which they made a multilayer sand flooring alternating with pebbles. Of particular interest are bends on the roadway, thanks to them, rainwater did not linger on the surface, but flowed along the side ropes dug along the entire road. The width was sufficient for chariots to meet each other.

Role and Importance

During the years of prosperity of the Roman Empire, this highway was of great military and economic importance, which in the Middle Ages lost its force. Appieva's Way over time has become a walking route of pilgrimage.

The importance of the Appian Way is undoubtedly great not only for Rome, but for the whole empire. Thanks to her, cities remote from the capital are interconnected: they allowed the rapid movement of Roman troops in the right directions, and trade and political ties were carried out. Many modern freeways are laid according to plans invented by the ancient Romans.

Appian Way Appian Way Appian Way Appian Way Appian Way Appian Way
Appian Way - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 41.390036
Longitude: 14.003405


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