Preah Vihear Temple

Preah Vihear Temple is located in the picturesque area of Cambodia on top of the cliff of the Dangrek mountain range right near the border with Thailand. From the height of the temple, magnificent views of the surroundings open in the eye. The temple complex was built in the 11-12 centuries during the reign of Suryavarman I and Suryavarman II in honor of the Hindu god Shiva ( God of the Top ), symbolizing the high spiritual level of the population.

Preah Vihear Temple

During the reign of the Khmer Empire, many temples were erected on the territory of Cambodia, which are known to date. Preahvikhea is the center of all temple complexes. The status of the greatest Khmer temple was obtained thanks to architectural craftsmanship - very subtle work on stone.

A distinctive feature of Prahvikhea from the Khmer temples of that period is the construction of a structure along the axis from the north side to the south.

Preah Vihear Temple

To the sanctuary, arranged at the very cliff, there is a road about 800 meters long, consisting of steps. Stone statues of lions flaunt on the platforms of the stairs, nag. The path is marked by 5 gopurs that open the courtyard in the eye. Behind the largest gopra complex are two buildings called palaces. Their buildings create an impressive facade 99 m long. Each of the gopur closes the rest of the building, not allowing to see the whole beauty. This gives Preahvikhea some mystery. In the middle of the temple are statues of the main deities.

For many centuries, the Preahvikhea Temple has been the subject of a territorial dispute between Cambodia and Thailand. The International Court of Justice has issued a verdict for the benefit of Cambodia. The final peace agreement was concluded upon signing an agreement on the opening of the Preahvikhea zone for tourists.

To date, you can visit the building, both from Cambodia and from Thailand. This spiritual culture is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Preah Vihear Temple Preah Vihear Temple Preah Vihear Temple Preah Vihear Temple Preah Vihear Temple Preah Vihear Temple
Preah Vihear Temple - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 14.396111
Longitude: 104.680278


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